Territorial Army Act, 1948(PART-2)




In exercise of the powers conferred by section 14 of the

Territorial Army Act 1948 (LVI of 1948), the Central Government

is pleased to make the following rules:-

1. Short title—These rules may be called the Territorial

Army (Amendment) Rules, 1964. They extend to the whole of


2. Definitions-In these rules, unless there is anything

repugnant in the subject or context:-

(a) “the Act” means the Territorial Army Act, 1948;

(b) “Form” means a Form as set out in Schedule 1;

(c) “Schedule” means a schedule to these rules;

(d) “Section” means a section of the act;

(e) “training year” means a period of twelve months

beginning on the first day of April and ending on the

thirty first day of March;

(f) the expression “Officer Commanding the Area” means

the General or other officer commanding an Area or an

Independent Sub Area, or an equivalent Commander

within the limits of whose command the headquarters

of a unit constituted under the Act is situated or such

other officer as may be specified by the Central Government

in this befhalf.

(g) “Provincial Unit” means a unit having training annually

in camp.

(h) ‘Urban unit” means a unit having training throughout

the year on the weekly drill system and at an

annual camp”.

3. Constitution and zones-(a) Units of the Territorial

Army shall be raised on a zonal basis.

(b) Zones shall be constituted and defined by the Central

Government by notification in the official Gazette.


(c) The Central Government may, by notification in the

Official Gazette constitute for any zone, one or more provincial

units or one or more urban units of the Territorial Army.

(d) Provided that the Central Government may, however

it considers it necessary, direct that recruitment to Territorial

Army units may be made from persons (being citizens of India)

irrespective of their place of residence.


4. Qualifications of enrolment-No person shall be eligible

for enrolment as a member of the Territorial Army-

(a) unless he is of good character: (ia) The Central Government

may relax the condition prescribed in clause

(c) in respect of any or all units of the Territorial


(b) Unless he has attained the age of 18 years and has not

attained the age of-

(i) 40 years in the case of enrolment in the Railways

or Port, Dock, inland water Transport or Electrical

and Mechanical Engineer units;

(ii) 45 years in the case of enrolment in Posts and

Telegraphs units.

(iii) 45 years in the case of women employees of Posts

and Telegraphs Department enrolled in the posts

Telegraphs units.

(iv) *42 years in all other cases.

*(Auth—Letter No 52160/GS/TA-3(a) dated 08 Aug 85)

(c) unless he is a resident of the zone for which the unit

in which enrolment has been applied for is constituted.

(d) unless he satisfies such standards of physical fitness

in height, chest measurement and other respects as

may be specified by the Ministry of Defence, Government

of India;

(e) if he is in the service of the Central or a State Government

unless he has obtained from the Government

permission for enrolment and also a certificate to the

effect that his services will forthwith be made available

for service in the Territorial Army, whenever required;


(f) if he belongs to any Reserve Force.

(g) if he has any reserve liability.

(h) if he has at any time been convicted of an offence involving

moral turpitude and a sentence other than one

of fine or of imprisonment in default of payment of

fine has been passed in respect of such offence, such

sentence not having been subsequently reversed or remitted

or the offence pardoned.

(j) if he has been ordered to give security for good behaviour

under the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898.

(k) If he has been dismissed from the Territorial Army

or the Auxiliary Forces (India or the Indian Territorial

Force, Militia or the scouts, regular army or the

Navy or the Air Force;

(l) if he has more than one wife living.

Provided that—

(i) the Chief of the Army Staff, in any case, and any

authority empowered by the Chief of the Army Staff in

this behalf, in such cases and to such extent as the

Chief of the Army Staff may specify, may relax the

age limits prescribed by clause (b)

(ia) The Central Govt may relax the condition specified in

clause (e) in respect of any unit or all units of the Territorial


(ii) a person who is ineligible by virtue of the provisions

in clause (h) or (j) may be enrolled if he produces a

certificate that he is fit to be enrolled from the Govt

of the State of which he is a resident.

(iii) The Central Government may, for special reasons exempt

any person from the operation of clause (k).

5. Application for enrolment—(I) A person desirous of being

enrolled shall apply to the Officer Commanding a unit for

service in which he desires to be enrolled or to an officer who

is a recruiting officer or assistant recruiting officer for the purpose

of the enrolment of persons under the Army Act, 1950,

or to such other officer as may be appointed by the Central

Government in this behalf.


(2) The officer to whom an application under sub-rule (I)

is made shall cause the applicant to fill up and sign in his presence

a statement set forth in Form I.

6. Verification—The officer aforesaid—

(a) shall satisfy himself in the manner laid down by the

Central Government that the application is in order

and that the applicant is eligible for enrolment under

rule 4 and

(b) may make such further inquiry as he thinks necessary

regarding the suitability of the applicant for enrolment

in the unit.

7. Medical Examination—Where such officer is satisfied

that the application is in order, that the applicant fulfils the

conditions of enrolment, that he is suitable for enrolment in the

unit in which he desires to be enrolled, and that a vacancy

exists in that unit, he shall cause the applicant to be served

with a notice requiring him to present himself for medical examination

at a time and place to be specified in the notice.

8. Rejection—Where such officer is satisfied that the application

is not in order or that the applicant does not fulfil the

conditions of enrolment or that he is not suitable to be enrolled

in the unit of his choice or if the applicant fails to comply with

the notice served on him under rule 7 or is found to be medically

unfit for service in the Territorial Army, such officer shall

reject the application and shall inform the applicant accordingly.

Such applicant shall, however, have a right of appeal against

the decision of the officer who rejected his application to the

Commander of the Sub Area in which the unit of his choice is


9. Method of enrolment—(a) If the applicant is accepted

for enrolment he shall be required to sign a declaration at the

foot of Form I.

(b) Where the Officer referred to in sub rule (I) of rule 5

is satisfied that the applicant understands the questions put to

him and consents to the conditions of service, he shall sign a

certificate to that effect on the said Form, and the applicant

shall thereupon be deemed to be enrolled.

10. Attestation—(a) Every person enrolled shall be attested

by his commanding Officer and for this purpose an oath

or affirmation shall be administered to him in one of the forms

specified in form II, or in such other form to the same purport


as the Commanding Officer deems to be in accordance with the

religion of the person to be attested or otherwise binding on

his conscience.

(b) An entry of the fact that a person enrolled has taken

the oath or affirmation directed by this rule shall be endorsed

on the enrolment form signed by him and shall be authenticated

by the signature of the Commanding Officer.

11. Period of enrolment—Subject to the provisions of Part

III of these rules, the period of enrolment as a Member of the

Territorial Army , in the case of every person who is accepted

for such enrolment in the Territorial Army on or after the 1st

day of January 1972, be seven years commencing on and from

the date of his enrolment for service in the Territorial Army.

Provided that—

(i) the service of any person in the Territorial Army as

aforesaid may be extended with the consent of the

individual by two years at a time or by such longer

periods as may be specified in this behalf by the

Director Territorial Army, but the maximum period of

service of any person in the Territorial Army shall not

exceed *Seventeen years for other ranks and *Twenty years

for Non-Commissioned Officers commencing on and

from the date of his enrolment for such service;

*(Auth—SRO 73 dated 6th April 1999)

(ii) nothing contained in this rule shall apply to a person

enrolled prior to the 1st day of January 1972 except

that such person shall not carry out reserve liability on

expiry of this period of enrolment specified before the

date aforesaid.



11A. Power to call upon persons to perform service in

Territorial Army—Where the Central Government is of opinion

that it is necessary so to do, it may, by a notification in the official

Gazette, direct that all or any of the employees or certain classes

of employees of a certain office or group of offices in a specified

area, under the Central Government or a State Government or

in the public utility service, who has or have attained the age of

twenty years but has or have not completed the age of forty

years, shall, when called upon to do so, perform service in the

Territorial Army;

Provided that in selecting persons to perform service in the

Territorial Army, the Central Government shall have regard to


the age, physical fitness, qualifications, experience and also the

nature of work, previously performed by the persons concerned

while employed under the Government or in a public utility

service and the work to be performed by him in the Territorial


Note–**(1) Officers and enrolled persons of the Territorial Army

shall also be liable to perform military service beyond the limits


**(Auth—PC No 71853/GS/TA 3/66-IS/62/D(GS-III))

11B. Prescribed authority for purposes of sections 6A and

10A—(I) The prescribed authority for the purpose of sub sections

(2) and (3) of section 6A shall be the Central Government

in all cases.

(2) The prescribed authority for the purpose of sub-section

(4) of section 6A and clause (c) of section 10A shall—

(i) in relation to persons who are required to join the

Territorial Army as enrolled persons, be the Director

Territorial Army or the Recruiting Officer or the Assistant

Recruiting Officer of the area or place in which

such persons are for the time being employed:

(ii) in relation to persons who are required to join the Territorial

Army as Junior Commissioned Officer, be the

Director, Territorial Army or the Officer Commanding

in the Area in which such persons are for the time being

employed: and

(iii) in relation to persons who are required to join the Territorial

Army as officers, be the Director, Territorial


3. The prescribed authority for the purpose of sub section

(5) of section 6A shall be the Officer Commanding the Area in

which the office of the employer is located.

11C. Obtaining particulars of persons liable for compulsory

service—The authority specified in sub rule (2) of rule 11B may

serve any employer with a notice in the form set out in Schedule

11B requiring him to furnish to such authority particulars specified

in the Forms set out in Schedules 11C & 11D relating to

any of his employees or class of employees who are liable under

the Act to perform compulsory service in the Territorial Army

within such period (not less than ten days after the service of the

notice) as may be specified in the notice.

11.D. Collection of particulars of persons liable for compulsory

service—(1) Any person who is liable for compulsory service

in the Territorial Army may be served with a written notice in


the Form set out in schedule 11E by the authority specified in

sub rule (I) of rule 11B requiring such person to fill up, sign

and dodge the Form set out in schedule II-F with such authority

and within such time (not earlier than seven days after the

service of the notice) as may be specified in the notice.

(2) Every such person who has lodged the Form set out in

schedule II-F with the authority under sub rule (1) shall be

bound to report to that authority any change in the particulars

given by him in that Form, within twenty one days of occurrence

of such change.

(3) Every such person shall be bound to furnish such additional

information as may be required from him by the authority.

11E. Liability to attend interviews, Tests and medical examinations—

If the authority specified in sub rule (1) of rule 11B considers

that a person who has lodged the form under rule 11D

is qualified to join the Territorial Army as an officer or as an

enrolled person, that authority shall serve upon such person a

written notice in the Form set out in Schedule IIG requiring him

to attend such interviews, undergo such tests and examinations,

including physical tests, and submit to such medical examinations

as may be specified in the notice. Any date or dates fixed for

such interview, tests and examinations shall not be earlier than

seven days after the service of the notice.

11F. Joining the Territorial Army—(1) If the authority specified

in sub rule (I) of rule 11B finds, after the interviews, tests

and examinations referred to in rule 11E, and after making such

further inquiries, if any, that a person is suitable for performing

service in the Territorial Army, that authority shall serve upon

that person a notice in the form set out in Schedule II-H stating

that he shall join the Territorial Army as an officer, or Junior

Commissioned Officer or enrolled person, and requiring him to

present himself to such authority, and at such place, date and

time as may be specified in the notice, such date being not

earlier that seven days after the service of the notice.

(2) On any person reporting to an authority in pursuance of

a notice serviced under sub rule (I) that authority shall sign the

following certificate at the foot of the Form set out in Schedule

11-H, namely :-

Certified that …………………………(here insert the name of

the person) has joined______________(here insert the Terri117

torial Army unit where the person has reported) on_________

(here insert the date of reporting as an officer/JCO/enrolled person)



Signature of authority

*(Delete whichever not applicable)

(3) Every person who joins the Territorial Army as an

enrolled person in pursuance of a notice under sub rule (1) shall

sign part I of the Form set out in Schedule II-I and, as from

the date of such joining, be deemed to be enrolled in the Territorial

Army for the same period for which persons are enrolled

under rule II, and appointed to the unit indicated in the aforesaid

notice. He shall also be attested as provided in rule 10 and

a record of the fact shall be made in Part II of the said Form.

11G. Notices—(1) Any notice to be served on a person under

this part, shall be either personally delivered to such persons

or sent to him by registered post at his last known address.

(2) When a notice has been served on any person under

this part, the authority who issued the notice, may at any time,

while that person remains liable for compulsory service under

the Act, cancel it and, in any such case, shall cause to be served

on that person a further notice cancelling the original notice.

(3) A notice served on any person under this part shall cease

to have effect if, before the date on which he is thereby required

to present himself he ceases to be liable for compulsory service

in the Territorial Army.

11H. Mode of lodging forms—Any form to be lodged under

this part shall be either delivered at the office of the authority

with whom it is required to be lodged or sent by registered post

to such authority.

11-I. Payment of travelling and other allowances—Every

person liable for compulsory service in the Territorial Army, who

is required to present himself in accordance with any notice under

this part, shall be paid by the authority to whom he presents

himself, travelling and other allowances at such rates as may be

determined by Government from time to time.


Provided that such rates shall in no case be less than those

admissible to the said person in his civil appointment under

similar conditions.

11-J. Appeals-(1) If any person liable for compulsory

service in the Territorial Army or his employer, feels aggrieved by

any notice issued under the rules in this Part, he may appeal

against such notice to the authority specified in sub rule, (2).

(2) The authority to which an appeal may be made under

sub rule (1), shall be-

(i) The Central Government, if the notice was issued by

the ‘ADGTA, Army Headquarters’,

(ii) The Chief of the Army Staff, if the notice was issued

by an Officer Commanding the Area or by a Recruiting

or Assistant Recruiting Officer.

(3) Every appeal under this rule shall be made within fifteen

days of the receipt of the notice by the aggrieved person.

(4) Any notice against which an appeal has been made under

this rule, shall be deemed to be suspended until the decision

on the appeal is communicated to the appellant, and if the decision

is against the appellant, the time fixed in the original notice

for compliance shall commence from the day on which the decision

of the appellate authority is communicated to him.

(5) Every appeal under this rule shall be forwarded in the

first instance to the authority who issued the notice appealed

against, and that authority shall forward the appeal to the appellate

authority with his report thereon.

(6) (a) The decision of the Central Government on appeal

under sub rule 2(i) shall be final.

(b) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Chief of

the Army Staff on appeal under sub rule 2(ii) may file a revision

to the Central Government and the decision of the Central Government

thereon shall be final.


12. Appointment-(a) A person enrolled in the Territorial

Army shall be appointed by the officer who enrolled him to a unit

of the Territorial Army.


(b) Rules for appointment of officers of the Territorial Army

shall be the same as for the regular army.

13. Transfer and attachment-(1) Any person appointed to

a unit under rule 12 may be transferred by the prescribed authority

whether on disbandment of the unit or otherwise to another

unit of the Territorial Army or the Director of Signals.

(2) Nothing contained in sub rule (1) shall be deemed to

authorise the transfer without his own consent of any person appointed

to a unit except when such transfer is deemed necessary

and a period of emergency declared in this behalf in a notification

published in the official gazette by the Central Government

or such transfer is from one provincial unit to another

similar provincial unit within the same zone, or from one uraban

unit together similar urban unit in the same town.

. (3) A person who desires to be transferred to another unit

shall submit his application in writing to his Commanding Officer

and in such application shall state reasons for desiring the transfer

and the unit to which he desires to be transferred. There upon

the transfer shall be effected in the case of an enrolled person by

mutual agreement between his Commanding Officer and

the Commanding Officer of the unit to which he desires to be transferred,

and in the case of an officer by order of the prescribed authority.

(4) When a person belonging to a unit ceases to reside in

the zone for which such unit is constituted he may be compulsorily

transferred by the prescribed authority to a unit constituted for

the zone in which he for the time being resides provided that he

can be absorbed in such unit.

(5) Any person belonging to a unit may be attached by the

prescribed authority at his own request or otherwise to any unit

of the Territorial Army or to any unit of the regular army.

(6) Any person belonging to a unit who leaves his place of

residence for the time being and thereby leaves the zone in which

the unit wherein he is serving is constituted shall, if he does not

intend to return to that zone, notify the prescribed authority in

that zone of his change of residence.

(7) Where a person mentioned in sub rule (6) intended to return

but did not in fact return to his zone within three months of


his departure he shall immediately on the expiry of the said

period send intimation in writing to the prescribed authority.

Explanation—In this rule, the expression “prescribed authority


(1) In the case of an enrolled person the Officer Commanding

the Sub-Area/Div/Independent Sub-Area/Indep Bde

Gp/Indep Bde as the case may be within which the

unit of the person is constituted or the Director Territorial

Army or the Director of Signals.

(2) In the case of an officer the Director Territorial Army or

Director of Signals.


14. Discharge—(a) Every person enrolled shall, on becoming

entitled to receive his discharge under the Act or these rules,

be so discharge with all convenient speed.

(b) Any such person may be discharged as hereinafter provided

on any of the following grounds namely—

(i) That he has been convicted by a criminal court of an

offence punishable with transportation or imprisonment.

(ii) That he has in filling up any form prescribed by these

rules or otherwise for the purpose of obtaining his enrolment

made any statement which was false and which

he knew to be false or did not believe to be true.

(iii) That his services are no longer required.

(iv) That he is medically unfit for further service.

(c) Discharge, dismissal, removal, retirement—Officers—

Rules for the discharge, dismissal, removal and retirement of the

officers of the Territorial Army shall be the same as for the regular

army provided that the retiring age for the officers of the

Territorial Army shall be as specified in the table below—

**(d) Notwithstanding, anything contained in clause (c) of rule 14, the

Territorial Army Officers who do not attend annual training camps for two

consecutive years without securing the exemption, as provided for in subrule

(2) of 20 of these rules and who cannot urge any valid reasons,

justifying their absence from such training, may, for reasons to be

recorded in writing by the competent authority, be discharged from the

Territorial Army service.

**(Auth—SRO No 192 of 30 June 1981)


(e) An Officer of the Departmental (TA) units who

resigns/is dismissed/removed from his civil job of the concerned

Department shall automatically relinquish his commission

from the Territorial Army w.e.f. the date of release from the civil


***(Auth –CS No 274/I/90)




Brigadier 58 years or 4 years tenure whichever is

earlier but not before 56 years of age.

59 years in case of AMC(TA) other than

those employed in GH(TA).

Lt Col/Colonel 56 years or 4 years tenure whichever

is earlier but not before 54 years of age.

Major and below 54 years of age.

Subedar Major/Risaldar Major 54 years or on completion of 34 years

of service or for a period of service

specified in the Regulations for the

Army in India for his appointment

whichever event may occur first.

Subedar/Risaldar/Jamedar Head Clk 54 years or on completion of 30 years

of service which ever event occurs first.

Naib Subedar 54 years or on completion of 26 years

service whichever event occurs first.

Note :- An Army Medical Corps (Territorial Army) Officer employed

in a General Hospital (Territorial Army) shall retire from Territorial Army

service on the date he attains the age of Superannuation under the civil rules

of the State to which he belongs.

**#(Auth –SRO 59 dated 29 Jan 1999).

15. (1) The authority competent to authorise the discharge

of an enrolled person under the provisions specified in column I

of the annexed table shall subject to the provision of sub rule

2 be the authority specified in the corresponding entry in coloumn

2 thereof.

Provision under which discharge Authority competent to authorise

authorised discharge of enrolled person.

Sub rule (a) of rule 14 The Commanding Officer

Clause (i) of sub rule (b) of rule 14 Sub Area or TA Gp Commander

Clause (ii) of sub rule (b) of rule 14 Do

Clause (iii)of sub rule (b) of rule 14 At any time during the enrolled person’s

first two years of training if he is

unlikely to become an efficient

soldier or is untraceable , or does

not report for training for a period

of one year, or in the case of an

unattested recurit at his own request,

the Commanding Officer in

all other cases, the Sub Area

Comdr or TA Gp Commander.

Clause (iv) of sub rule(b) of rule 14 The Commanding Officer.


(1A) Where a discharge is authorised under the provisions

of clause (ii) and (iii) of sub rule (b) of rule 14, the competent

authority before authorising the discharge shall if the circumstances

of the case permit, give the enrolled person an opportunity

to show cause against the discharge, unless such discharge

is at the request of the enrolled person.

(2) In a case in which the authority competent to authorise

discharge under sub rule (1) is the Commanding Officer, the discharge

may also be authorised by the Officer Commanding the

Sub-Area, the Area, TA Group Commander , the General Officer

Commanding-in-Chief a Command, the Chief of the Army

staff or the Central Government, and in a case in which the

authority competent to authorise discharge thereunder is the

Officer Commanding sub-Area/TA Group Commander, the discharge

may also be authorised by the Officer Commanding the

Area, the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief the Command,

the Chief of the Army Staff or the Central Government.

(3) Any enrolled person discharged under sub-rule (1) or subrule

(2) shall have a right of appeal against the decision of the

authority which authorised his discharge to the next higher authority

provided that there shall be no appeal where the order of

discharge is made by the Central Government.

(4) A discharge duly authorised under this rule shall be

carried out by the Commanding Officer with all convenient


16. Discharge on application—(1) Any enrolled person not

entitled to his discharge under the Act or these rules who is


desirous of being discharged before the expiration of the period

for which he was enrolled, shall apply in writing stating the

reason for his application to the Officer Commanding the unit

to which he is for the time being appointed.

(2) The Officer Commanding the unit shall, on receipt of

such an application forward the same to the Sub Area or TA

Group Commander or an equivalent or higher Commander who

may in his discretion authorise the discharge of such applicant.

17. Discharge Certificate—Every enrolled person who is

discharged from the Territorial Army shall be furnished by his

Commanding Officer with a Certificate similar to that referred to

in section 23 of the Army Act 1950.


18. Military Training—Military training for Territorial

Army unit shall consist of—

(a) Recruit Training

(b) Annual Training

(bb) Post Commission Training

(c) Voluntary Training and

(d) Service on the permanent staff

19. Recruit Training—(a) Every person appointed to a provincial

unit shall be liable for the purpose of undergoing recruit

training, to be embodied under the orders of the Officer Commanding

the Area/TA Group Commander in which the unit is

located, for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 30

days in any one year.

(b) Every member of an urban unit other than Railway

Engineers units or Signal (Post and Telegraphs) units, or General

hospital (TA) unit, shall be liable to undergo recruit training

for a period of 32 days, during which period he may be

embodied for not less than four consecutive days. This embodied

period, may, however, be extended upto a maximum of fourteen

consecutive days in all provided that, in so far as the additional

period beyond the initial period of four days in concerned, the

individual volunteers and obtains the written consent of his

employer, if any.


(bb) Every member of a General Hospital (TA) shall be

liable for the purpose of undergoing recruit training to be embodied

under the orders of the Officer Commanding the Area or

TA Group Commander in which the General Hospital (TA) unit

is located for a period not exceeding thirty days in any one training

year. The training will be on urban system without a


(c) Every member of a Railway Engineer unit or Signal

(Post & Telegraph) unit shall be liable for the purpose of undergoing

recruit training, to be embodied under the orders of the

Officer Commanding the Area/TA Group Commander in which

the unit is located for a period of thirty days in any one year.

(d) Every member of an Urban unit shall be liable for the

purpose of firing the annual musketry course to be embodied for

one day in the year in addition to the period prescribed in

clause (b). Such periods of embodiment shall only take place on

Sundays or other recognised holidays.

(e) The Officer Commanding of any unit may exempt either

wholly or in part from liability to undergo recruit training any

person who has in his opinion undergone adequate military training

in the regular army or otherwise.

Explanation—For the purpose of clause (b), a day shall

consist of 4 hours of actual military drill or instruction, and

may be made up of fractions of a day not more than 4 in


20. Annual Training—(I) Every person who has undergoned

the recruit training required by rule 19, or has been exempted

from undergoing such training shall be liable to undergo annual

training as hereinafter provided namely—

(a) Every such person who is appointed to a Provincial unit

shall be liable to be embodied, ;under the orders of the Officer

Commanding the Area/TA Group Commander in which the

unit is located, for annual training for period not exceeding two

calendar months in each training year, whether or not such person

has been embodied for recruit training that year.

(b) Every such person who is appointed to an urban unit

other than Railway Engineers unit or Signal (Post and Telegraph)

unit or General Hospital (TA) unit shall be liable to

undergo annual training for a period of not less than 36 days,

and not more than 60 days, subject to the provision that he shall

attend a minimum of three days training during every month for


9 months in the year excluding the days spent in camp. During

the aforesaid period of training, he may, under orders of the Officer

Commanding the Area/TA Gp Cdr in which the unit is

located, be embodied for an annual camp of not less than fourteen

consecutive days.

Explanation—For the purposes of clause (b) a day shall consist

of 4 hours of actual military drill or instruction, and may

be made up of fractions of a day not more than 4 in number.

(ba) Every such person who is appointed to a General Hospital

(TA) unit shall be liable to be embodied, under the orders

of the Officer Commanding the Area or TA Group Commander

in which the General Hospital (TA) unit is located, for annual

training for a period of thirty days in each training year. The

training will be on urban system without a camp.

(bb) Every such person who is appointed to a General

Hospital (TA)unit may, under the orders of the Area or Independent

Sub Area Commander or TA Group Commander, be

embodied for a period not exceeding seven days for the purpose

of passing prescribed trade tests;

Provided that the individual volunteers and obtains the written

consent of the employer, if any. The period of embodiment

shall count against the period of annual training as prescribed

in clause (ba).

(c) Every member of a Railway Engineer Unit or Signal

(Post and Telegraph) unit shall be liable, for the purpose of undergoing

annual training, to be embodied under the orders of the

officer Commanding the Area/TA Group Commander in which

the unit is located, for a period of thirty days in each training

year, whether or not such person was embodied for recruit training

that year.

(d) Every person who is appointed to an urban unit shall be

liable, for the purpose of firing the annual musketry course, be

embodied for a period not exceeding one day in the year in

addition to the period prescribed in clause (b) of Rule 20(1).

The period of one day of embodiment for the purpose of

firing annual musketry course may be increased to two days in

cases where the training could not be completed in one day provided

that the increased period on one day is within the maximum

period of annual training laid down in clause (b). Such

period of embodiment shall only take place on Sundays or recognised



(c) Junior Commissioned Officers and other ranks (other

than permanent staff) upto five per cent of the authorised establishment

of the unit,

may be employed at the discretion of the

Area or |Independent Sub Area Commander or TA Group Commander

for a period of seven days before training commences

and for a period of four days after training ends, for the purpose

of pitching and striking camp and issuing and taking into stores

clothing and equipment etc.

(f) Every such person who is appointed to an Urban unit

may, under the orders of the Area or Independent Sub Area

Commander or TA Group Commander be embodied for a

period not exceeding seven days for the purpose of passing prescribed

trade tests, provided the individual volunteers and obtains

the written consent of his employer if any. The period of embodiment

shall count against the extended period of annual camp

as prescribed in Clause (b).

(g) Every officer commissioned in the Territorial Army

shall, for the purpose of appearing at the prescribed test in

Hindi, be embodied for the period of actual duration of the test.

Such period of embodiment shall count towards the period prescribed

for annual training.

(h) Every such person may, under the orders of the Officer

Commanding the Area/TA Group Commander be embodied

with the consent of his employer, if any, for the purpose of

participating in the ceremonial parade for a period upto four

consecutive days. The period of embodiment shall be in addition

to the period of annual training prescribed in clauses (a).(b)

and (c).

(i) A person while embodied for annual training under

clauses (a), (b) or (c) may be ordered to participate ;in a ceremonial

parade for a period upto four consecutive days, in which

case, the period of annual training for which such person was

embodied shall be deemed to have been extended by number

of days spent by him in training for and participation in such

ceremonial parade.

(2) The Officer Commanding of any unit may exempt wholly

or in part, any person from the obligation to undergo the annual

training prescribed by sub rule (1).

$20-A. Post-Commission training for officers appointed to

non-departmental TA units—Every officer commissioned in the

Territorial Army shall be liable, for the purpose of undergoing


post-commission training, to be embodied under the orders of

the officer Commanding the Area in which the unit is located or

the Territorial Army Group commander, for a total period not

exceeding seventy-five days in a maximum of two modules within

a period of two years from the date of being commissioned, in

addition to the training prescribed by Rules 19 and 20. For imparting

post commission training, Territorial Army officers of the nondepartmental

TA units shall be attached to the corresponding

Regiments/Battalions or deputed to any other training Institutions of

the Army specifically approved by the Min of Def for this purpose.

$(Auth—Case No 68416/PCT/TA-2/665/B/D(GS-VI)

Min of Def (Fin) u.o. No 846/GS/92 dt 16 April 1992)

20-B. Post-commission training for officers appointed to

Departmental TA units—Every officer commissioned in the

Territorial Army and appointed to railway engineer groups, port

and inland water transport companies or communication zone

signal companies (Post and Telegraphs), shall be liable, for the

purpose of undergoing post-commission training, to be embodied

under the orders of the Officer Commanding the Area in which

the unit is located or the Territorial Army Group Commander,

for a continuous period not exceeding thirty days (excluding the

period of journey), within a period of two years from the date

of being commissioned, in addition to the training prescribed by

rules 19 and 20.

21. Voluntary training—Every person may be permitted to

be embodied under the orders of the Officer Commanding the

Area/TA Group Commander in which the unit to which he is

appointed is located, for such periods of voluntary training as

may from time to time be sanctioned by the Central Government

in addition to the training prescribed by rules ;19 and


21-A. Service on the Permanent Staff—(a) Every enrolled

person who volunteers with the written consent of his employer,

if any, for employment of the permanent staff of a Territorial

Army unit , may, if found suitable by the Commanding Officer

of the unit, be embodied under the orders of the Officer Commanding

the Area/TA Group Commander in which the unit is located

for such period as he is required to fill a vacancy on the permanent

staff of the unit.

(b) Every Officer who volunteers with the written consent

of his employer, if any, for employment on the permanent staff

of a Territorial Army unit, may if found suitable, be embodied

under the orders of the ADGTA, for such


period as he is required to fill a vacancy on the permanent staff

of that unit or of any other unit of the Territorial Army to which

he may be transferred.

22. Embodiment—For the purposes of clause (a) of rule 19,

rule 20, rule 20-A, rule 20-B, rule 21 and rule 21-A, a person

shall be deemed to be embodied with effect from the date specified

for such embodiment in the order issued under the authority

of the Officer Commanding the Area/TA Group Commander

in which the unit is located or the ADGTA,

as the case may be.


23. Pay and Allowances—(a) Every person subject to the

Act, shall be entitled to such pay and allowances as are specified

in Schedule III.

(i) For every day of military training completed or duty

performed in accordance with paragraph 15 of TA Regulations,

provided that no pay and allowances shall be admissible for any

days of such training or duty in excess of the number of days

for which these rules provide and for the actual periods of

journey to and from their permanent place of residence subject

to a maximum of 7 days in all. @@For such journey period, the

Government servants shall be allowed to draw pay and allowances

at military rates, and if, the civil rates admissible to such Government

servants are higher than the military rates, the Government servants

shall also be allowed to draw the difference between these two rates

and the extra expenditure involved shall constitute a charge against the

head of expenditure to which the civil pay of the individuals concerned

is debitable.

Note—In the case of an urban unit, a day shall consist of 4

hours of actual military drill or instruction, and may be made up

of fractions of a day not more than 4 in number.

(ii) For periods of actual attendance, and for such period,

not exceeding two days, as is required by the students to reach

a school of army instruction before the commencement of course,

at authorised course of instruction in army schools with regular

units or otherwise, including intervening Sundays and holidays

and for the actual periods of journey not exceeding 7 days in all

to and from their permanent place of residence. @@For such

journey period, the Government servants shall be allowed to draw

pay and allowances at military rates, and if, the civil rates admissible

to such Government servants are higher than the military rates, the

Government servants shall also be allowed to draw the difference

between these two rates and the extra expenditure involved shall

constitute a charge against the head of expenditure to which

the civil pay of the individuals concerned is debitable.

Provided that no such person shall be entitled to any such

pay and allowances for any day or days for which he


may be absent, except that a member of a provincial

unit, who is embodied or called out for training, may

be granted casual leave with pay and allowances on

Sundays and notified public holidays at the discretion of

the Commanding Officer and a member of Provincial

or Urban unit, who is attending an authorised course of

instruction in any army school, may be granted casual

leave with pay and allowances on intervening Sundays

and holidays at the discretion of the commandant of

the School.

Note—‘Period of journey’ will include any period spent on

journey from permanent place of residence to parent unit and


(iii) For such period as a person is borne on the establishment

of the permanent, administrative or instructional staff of

a unit in the Territorial Army and for the actual periods of

journey to and from their permanent place of residence subject to

a maximum of 7 days in all. @@For such journey period, the

Government servants shall be allowed to draw pay and allowances

at military rates, and if, the civil rates admissible to such Government

servants are higher than the military rates, the Government servants

shall also be allowed to draw the difference between these two rates

and the extra expenditure involved shall constitute a charge against the

head of expenditure to which the civil pay of the individuals concerned

is debitable.

@@(Auth—SRO—170 dated 14th March 1986)

Explanation—For the purpose of this Sub-clause an officer

other than a Junior Commissioned Officer, shall be deemed to be

borne on the establishment of the permanent staff of a unit

during the period, not exceeding four days, he is taking over

charge of an appointment on the said establishment from an

officer holding that appointment. In the case of Quarter Masters

of units or sub-units, the said period of four days may, for

the purpose of taking over charge of stores including arms and

ammunition, be extended upto a maximum of seven days at the

discretion of Sub Area/Brigade/TA Group Commander.

Note—Pay and Allowances to personnel of the Territorial

Army (employed on the permanent, administrative or instructional

staff or embodied for service otherwise than for training)

while under arrest or suspension, otherwise than for absence without

leave, shall be governed by the terms of clause (b) of section

90 of the Army Act, 1950.

Any such personnel of the Territorial Army undergoing

training shall not the entitled to any pay and allowances while

under arrest or suspension.


(b) Every person subject to the Act shall be entitled to such pay and allowances as are

specified in schedule IV for every day during which he is called out or embodied for military


Note I—Such person shall also be entitled to pay and allowances for the actual periods of

journey to and from their permanent place of residence subject to a maximum of 7 days in all.

@@@ Provided that for journey period under these rules, the Government servants shall be

allowed to draw pay and allowances at military rates, and if, the civil rates admissible to such

Government servants shall also be allowed to draw the difference between these two rates and

the extra expenditure involved shall constitute a charge against the head of expenditure to

which the civil pay of the individual concerned is debitable.@@@(Auth—SRO 170 dated 14th

March 1986)

Note 2—Persons employed on the permanent staff under Rule 21-A or embodied for

service under Rule 33, shall on transfer from one unit/formation to another be allowed joining

time with pay and allowances as admissible to regular army personnel. Such joining time

will not, however, be allowed when persons are posted to embodied units or employed on the

Permanent Staff from their place of residence and vice versa: they will be governed by the

provisions of note 1 above.

(c) Pay of Government servants—Government servants who are members of the

Territorial Army are entitled, when called out or embodied for training to pay and allowances

at the rates admissible for the Territorial Army.

In cases where a Department of the Government of India,

or its attached and subordinate offices or a State Government

may have specially authorised in respect of its own servants who

belong to the Territorial Army the payment of the difference

if any, between their civil pay and military pay at the rates above

referred to, the extra expenditure involved shall constitute a

charge against the ordinary head of expenditure to which the

civil pay of the individuals concerned is debitable.

Every Government servant who is a member of the Territorial

Army will intimate to his Commanding Officer the designation

of head of the office or department to which he belongs

for the time being during the period of his enrolled service. Summons

to military training or service of any kind will be issued

by the Commanding Officer through the head of the office with

copies to the Controller of Defence Accounts concerned. After

payment to the individual of whatever military pay and allowances

are due to him, the Controller of Defence Accounts will

intimate periodically to the head of the office, in the case of a

non-gazetted Government servant, and to the audit officer, in

the case of a gazetted officer, what remuneration and for

what period, has been disbursed to the individual from DefenceEstimates.



24. Application of the Army Act, 1950, to enrolled persons—

(1) The Army Act, 1950 and the rules and regulations made

thereunder in their application to enrolled persons of the Territorial

Army during training shall, subject to the provisions of

sub rule (2), be modified in the manner and to the extent specified

in Schedule II in the case of males and Schedule II-A in the

case of females.

(2) Enrolled persons not being females who are serving on

the permanent staff of a unit or are undergoing training at the

National Defence Academy shall be subject to the said Act and

the rules and regulations made thereunder without any modifications.

25. Authority for purpose of Section 10—The prescribed

authority for the purpose of Section 10 of the Act shall, in case

where the accused is below the rank of warrant officer, be

the Officer Commanding the unit to which the accused belongs,

and in the case of a warrant officer be the Officer Commanding

the Sub-Area or equivalent Commander in which the accused’s

unit is located.

26. Recovery of Fines—(a) A fine imposed under Section

10 of the Act or under Clause (b) of rule 30 or sub-clause (v) of

clause (a) of rule 31 may be recovered in the following manner,

that is to say—

(i) By the officer imposing the fine from the pay and allowance

and other public money due to the person

on whom the fine is imposed.

(ii) If the officer imposing the fine is unable to recover the

same he shall send a certified copy of the order to

the District Magistrate or the Chief Presidency Magistrate

as the case may be, having jurisdiction in the

area in which the fine has been inflicted, and such

Magistrate shall recover the fine in accordance with

the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898,

as if it had been imposed by him, and shall remit the

amount recovered to the officer concerned.

(b) All fines recovered shall be credited to the Government.

27. Prescribed Officer under Section 12—The certificate referred

to in Section 12 of the Act shall be signed by the commanding

Officer of the unit to which the person concerned belongs.



28. Offences—Every enrolled person of an urban unit when

undergoing military training without having been embodied for

the purpose commits an offence, if he does any of the following

acts, namely.

(a) when on parade, engaged on any military duty or wearing

the uniform of the Territorial Army—

(i) strikes, or uses or offers violence to or uses threatening

or insubordinate language to, or behaves with

contempt to, his superior officer; or

(ii) disobeys any standing order of, or lawful command

given by his superior officer; or

(iii) neglects to obey a general or garrison order made

specially applicable to the Territorial Army, by

the Officer Commanding the unit to which he belongs;


(iv) is in a state of intoxication; or

(v) being a warrant officer or a non-commissioned

officer strikes or ill-treats any person subject to

the Army Act, 1950, or to the Act, who is his

subordinate in rank or position.

(b) without sufficient cause fails to appear at the place of

parade at the time fixed or to attend at any place in

his capacity as a member of the Territorial Army, when

duly required so to attend, or when on parade, without

sufficient cause quits the rank;

(c) without sufficient cause fails to perform any part of the

training which by or under the Act he is required to


(d) strikes, or uses or offers violence to any person whether

subject to Army Act, 1950, or to the Act or

not, in whose lawful custody he is placed, and whether

such person is or is not his superior officer;

(e) resists an escort whose duty it is to arrest him or detain

him in military custody;

(f) being under arrest or detention or otherwise in lawful

military custody escapes or attemps to escape;

(g) when in charge of any property belonging to the Government,

or to a unit of the Territorial Army, dishonestly.


misappropriates or converts to his own use, or is

concerned in such misappropriation or conversion of

any such property.

(h) wilfully injures, or by culpable neglect loses or causes

injury to, any such property as is mentioned in clause


(i) wilfully ill-treats a horse or other animal used in the

public service;

(j) knowingly furnishes a false return or report of the number

or state of men under his command or change, or

of any money, arms or ammunition, clothing, equipment,

stores or other public property in his charge;

(k) through design or culpable neglect, omits to make or

send any return of any matter mentioned in clause (j)

which it is his duty to make or send;

(l) when it is his official duty to make a declaration respecting

any matter, makes a declaration respecting such

matter which he either knows or believes to be false

or does not believe to be true;

(m) knowingly makes against any person subject to the

Army Act, 1950, or to the Act, an accusation which

he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe

to be true;

(n) falsely personates any other person at any parade or

on any occasion when such other person is required

by or under the Act to do any act or attend at any

place; or abets any such act of personation.

29. Disposal of Offences-An Officer Commanding an urban

unit shall, subject to the provisions of section 10 of the Act

and after investigation of a charge made against an enrolled

person appointed to that unit, or any offence specified in rule 28

deal with the matter in one or other of the following ways, that

is to say, he may-

(a) dismiss the charge; or

(b) deal with the case summarily; or

(c) take steps for bringing the offender to trail by a criminal

court; or

(d) refer the matter to superior authority for instructions

and deal with it accordingly.


30. Summary punishments-A commanding officer dealing

summarily with an offence under rule 28 may inflict punishment

according to the following scale, that is to say, he may-

(a) order dismissal of the offender, below the rank of a noncommissioned

officer from the Territorial Army with or

without forfeiture of all or any arrears of pay and allowances

and other public money due to him at the

time of such dismissal; or

(b) order the offender to pay a fine not exceeding Rs. 100;


(c) order stoppages of pay and allowances until any proved

damage or loss occasioned by the offence of which the

offender is charged is made good; or

(d) severely reprimand the offender; or

(e) reprimand the offender;

Provided that in every case in which the officer proposes to

order the offender to pay a fine he shall first ask the offender

whether he claims to be tried by criminal court, and if the offender

does so claim , he shall take steps for bringing the offender

to trail by a criminal court.

31. Summary punishment of Warrant Officer and Non-Commissioned

Officer-An Officer having powers not less than that

of Sub-Area or equivalent Commander dealing summarily with

an offence under rule 28 may award any of the following punishments-

(a) In the case of a Warrant Officer-

(i) Dismissal.

(ii) Reduction to a lower grade or place in the list of his

rank or to the ranks.

(iii) Forfeiture of seniority or rank.

(iv) Severe reprimand or reprimand.

(v) Fine.

(vi) Stoppages of pay and allowances until any proved

loss or damage occasioned by the offence of which

the offender is charged is made good.

Provided that in every case in which the officer proposes to

order the offender to pay a fine he shall first ask the offender


whether he claims to be tried by a criminal court, and if the

offender does so claim, he shall take steps for bringing the offender

to trial by a criminal court.

(b) In case of Non-Commissioned Officers-

(i) Dismissal.

(ii) Reduction to a lower class or a lower rank or to

the ranks.

(iii) Forfeiture of seniority of rank.

32. (a) Any enrolled person who deems himself wronged by

any superior or other officer may complain to the officer under

whose command or orders he is serving.

(b) When the officer complained against is the officer to

whom any complaint should, under sub-rule (a) be referred the

aggrieved person may complain to such officer’s next superior


(c) Every officer receiving such complaint shall inquire into

it, and when necessary, refer it to superior authority; provided

that a decision by an authority competent to dispose of the matter

complained of shall be final.

(d) Every such complaint shall be preferred through such

channels as may from time to time be specified by the appropriated



33. Every officer and every enrolled person of the Territorial

Army shall by order of the Central Government or by order of

such other authority as may be empowered by the Central Government

in this behalf, be liable, to be called out to act in support

of the civil power or to provide essential guards or to be

embodied for the purpose of supporting or supplementing the regular


Provided that an officer or an enrolled person who volunteers

with the written consent of his employer, if any, for an appointment

with a Headquarters or a unit of the Regular Army, may

if found suitable, be embodied with the Headquarters or the unit

of the Regular Army, as the case may be, under the orders of

the Director Territorial Army.


34. Every officer and every enrolled person when called out

or embodied as in rule 33, shall under the orders of the Commander

of the Sub-Area in which the unit to which he is attached

may for the time being be serving, act in support or supplement

the regular army.

**(a) Disembodiment on compassionate grounds—An Officer

or enrolled person embodied under rule 33 may be disembodied on

compassionate grounds under the orders of the following authorities,

namely :–

(i) Officer – Director, Territorial Army

(ii) JCO – Commander Territorial Army Group

Headquarters or Area/Sub Area/Brigade


(iii) Enrolled – Officer Commanding Territorial Unit.


**(Auth—SRO 326 dated 01 Nov 1973)




authority, referred to in the proviso to sub-section (l) of Section


(a) in respect of any area within the presidency town of

Bombay, Calcutta or Madras, be the Chief Judge of the

Court of small Causes within the local limits of whose

jurisdiction the person claiming reinstatement was employed

immediately before he was required to perform

military service under Section 7, and

(b) in respect of any other area, be the District and Sessions

Judge within the limits of whose jurisdiction such

person was employed.

36. Nature of inquiry by prescribed authority- Where a refrence

is made by any party under the proviso to sub-section

(l) of section 7A to the authority referred to in rule 35, a copy

of such reference shall be served upon the opposite party and the

said authority shall decide the matter after giving both the parties

a reasonable opportunity of being heard and after making

such further inquiry, if any, as it thinks fit.


37. Prescribed rights under Section 7B- When any person

subject to the Act is required military service under

section 7-

(a) he may, at his option continue to subscribe to any provident

or superannuation fund or other scheme for the

benifit of employees maintained in connection with the

employment which he relinquished immediately before

he was called out embodied or attached for military

service, at such rates a applicable to him under

the rules of such fund or scheme.

(b) the employer by whom such person was employed shall

continue to credit such person’s account in the fund or

scheme with the amount subscribed and the interest on

the amount in such account in accordance with the rules

of the fund or scheme; and

(c) such person may, if the rules of the fund or scheme so

permit and in accordance with such rules, withdraw

sums from the amount, standing at his credit in the fund

or scheme; and for the purpose of calculating the

amount of contribution or withdrawal admissible, such

person’s salary shall be deemed to be the salary which

he would have received had he not been so called out,

embodied or attached.




Territorial Army Enrolment Form


(See Rules 2, 5, 9(a) and 10(a))

NOTE-Names should be hand-printed



No………………………. Name ……………………………. in the…………………

…………………………unit Category in which the person

desires to be enrolled…………………………………………………………

(Also enter rank and entry rate of pay e.g. ‘Sepoy (Normal Entry

Rate)’, ‘Sepoy (Matric Entry Rate).

Questions to be put before enrolment Number

1. What is your name ? 1

2. What is your father’s name and address ? 2

2A. (i) Are you married ? 2A(i)

(ii) If married, how many wives have you got living at present ? 2A(ii)

(iii) If you have more than one wife living, state whether

permission of the Government of India to your enrolment

has been obtained quoting authority 2A(iii)

3. Are you a citizen of India ? 3

4. What is your Village, Thana/Police Station/Taluk, Tehsil/District

and State? 4

5. What is your (a) Post Office ? 5(a)

(b) Telegraph Office ? 5 (b)

6. What is (a) your nearest Railway station ? 6(a)

(b) the distance from railway Station to your home ? 6(b)

7. What is your present trade, profession or occupation ?

(See not 1 below) 7

8. What is your (a) nationality 8(a)

(b) religion ? 8(b)

Question to put before enrolment Number

9. Where are you employed ? 9


10. What are your educational qualification ? 10

11. What is your age ? 11

12. Have you ever been convicted by a Criminal Court, and if so, in

what circumstances, and what was the sentience ? 12

13. Do you now belong to the regular forces, the Reserve or

the Indian States Forces of the Nepal State Army ? 13

14. Have you ever served in the regular forces, the Reserve or the

Indian State Forces or the Nepal State Army ? If so, state in

which, the period of service and the cause of discharge ? 14

15. Are you willing to be enrolled under the Territorial Army

Act, 1948 ? 15

16. In which unit do you desire to be enrolled ? 16

17. Are you willing to undergo military training and to perform

military services as specified in the Act and to allow no caste

usages to interfere with your military duty ? 17

Note – Non interference with caste usages will be observed

exactly as in the case of the regular forces.

18. Are you willing to serve until discharged as provided in the Act ? 18

19. Have you ever previously applied for enrolment under

the Act, and if so with what result ? 19

20. Have you been dismissed from the Territorial Army ? 20

21. Are you willing to be vaccinated or re- vaccinated ? 21

22. Are you in receipt of any allowances from Government ?

If so, on what account ? 22

Note I – In the case of technical personnel a certificate or

other documentary evidence of technical proficiency will be required

from his employer.

Signature or thumb impression of applicant……………………..

Witnessed by……………………………………………………………….

Declaration on acceptance for enrolment

I solemnly declare that the answers I have given to the

question in this form are true and that no part of them is false,

and that I am willing to fulfil the engagement made.

Signature or thumb impression…………………

Certified that the applicant understands and agrees to the conditions

of enrolment.

Signature of enrolling officer…………………

Date of Enrolment………………………………….




I…………………………….do swear in the name of God that I will bear true faith and allegiance

to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly

and faithfully serve in the Territorial Army of the Union of India and go wherever ordered, by

air, land or sea, and that I will observe and obey all command of the President of the Union of

India and the commands of any officer set over me even to the peril of my life.


(For AMC (TA) officers and personnel in General Hospitals(TA))

I, _______________do swear in the name of God/do solemnly ffirm that I will bear true

faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I will, as in duty

bound, honestly and faithfully serve in the Territorial Army of the Union of

India in any General Hospital(TA) in the State___________and go by air or land as ordered

and that I will observe and obey all commands of the President of the Union of India and the

commands of any officer set over me even to the peril of my life.


Sworn duly affirmed before me at_________this_________day of


Station : Signature of attesting officer

(with stamp)

Dated :

***(Auth—SRO No 106 of 2nd April 1973)


I…………………………………do solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the

Constitution of India as by law established and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and

faithfully serve in the Territorial Army of the Union of India and go wherever ordered, by air,

land or sea and that I will observe and obey all commands of the President of the Union of

India and the commands of any officer set over me even to the

peril of my life.

(I) I agree to extend my Territorial Army Service for ………..years with liability to transfer

to the Reserve until I have completed the total period of Service for which I am liable under

this enrolment.


Signed in my presence at ………………………………this ……………….day of


Signature of Commanding Officer


(2) I agree to extend my Territorial Army Service for ………..years with liability to transfer

to the Reserve until I have completed the total period of Service for which I am liable under

this enrolment.



Signed in my presence at ………………………………this ……………….day of


Signature of Commanding Officer


(3) I agree to extend my Territorial Army Service for……….. years with liability to transfer to

the Reserve until I have completed the total period of service for which I

am liable under this enrolment.


Signed in my presence at ………………………………this ……………….day of


Signature of Commanding Officer



Name…………………………….. was transferred to the Reserved

from (date)……………………

He was not given the option of

Strike out the line which is extending his Army Service/or

not applicable — He was given the option of extending

his Army Service but elected

not to exercise it.

Signed at……………………..this ……………………….dat of


Signature of Commanding Officer…………..


(See instructions below)

To be completed by Recruiting Officer

*Date of birth/Apparent age Years.

(a) Chest measurement:–






To be completed by Medical Officer…………………..I

consider him fit/unfit for the Army

**Category (A, B or C)

Identification marks


Cause or unfitness



(a) To be completed by the M.O. of the unit in the case of

a recruit enrolled at unit headquarters.

(b) The measuring tape should be applied evenly but not

lightly, its upper edge touching the lower border of the shoulder

blades and its lower edge passing just over the nipples, the

arms hanging by the sides. The minimum measurement will be

taken after the breath has been expelled from the chest and

the maximum when the chest is fully expanded. There should

be a difference of at least 2 inches between the minimum and

maximum measurements.


*Should tally with age given in one of these certificates :-

(i) Birth certificate, (ii) High School Examination (or equivalent

examination) certificate, (iii) School-Leaving Certificate. If a man

is not in possession of any of these certificates, the age shall be

assessed by the enrolling officer.

**Insert here A, B, C.


(See Rule 24)

Modification of the Army Act, 1950

1. Sections 2, 4 to 8, 13 to 17 and 22 to 24 shall be omitted.

2. In clauses-(a) and (b) Section 80, for the words

‘Twenty-eight days’ the words ‘Ten days’ shall be substituted.

3. Subject to the provisions of Section 73 of the Army Act

1950 the punishment awarded for any of the military offences

under the said Act, except those under Section 34, 37 and 49

thereof shall not exceed a term of imprisonment for a period

of six months.


4. Section 69, 70, 75, 76, 78 Clause (j) of Section 80, Section

98 and 106 shall be omitted.

Modification of Army Rules

1. Chapter II shall be omitted.

2. Chapter III shall be omitted excluding Rules 17 and 18

3. Rules 183 shall be omitted.

4. In Rule 187 sub-rules (l) and (2) shall be omitted and

in sub-rule (3) the following item shall be added, namely-

“(g) Each unit constituted under sub-section (2) of section 3

of the Territorial Army Act, 1948”

5. Rules 189, 190 and 91 shall be omitted.


( See Rule 24)



1. All the Sections directed to be omitted in Schedule ll

shall also be omitted for the purpose of this Schedule.

2. Of Section 34 to 68 only clause (a) and (b) of Section

39 and Section 63 shall apply and in their application shall be

read a follow:-

’39. Absence without leave-

Any person subject to his Act who commits any of the

following offences that is to say-

(a) absent herself without leave.

(b) without sufficient cause overstay leave granted to her

shall, on conviction by court martial, be liable to suffer

any one or more of the punishments specified in clauses

(e) to (l) of Section 71 of the Act.

63. violation of good order and discipline.


Any person subject to this Act who is guilty of an act or

omission prejudicial to good order and discipline, shall

on conviction by court material, be liable to suffer any

one or more of the punishments, specified in clauses (e)

to (l) of Section 71 of the Act.

3. Clauses (a) (b), (c) and (d) of section 80 shall be omitted.


1. Chapter II shall be omitted.

2. Chapter III shall be omitted excluding Rules 17 and 18

3. Rules 183 shall be omitted.

4. In Rules 187, sub-rules (l) and (2) shall be omitted and

in sub-rule (3) the following item shall be added namely.

“(g) Each unit constituted under sub-section (2) of Section

3 of the Territorial Army Act 1948.”

5. Rules 189, 190 and 191 shall be omitted.


(See rule II-C)

(Warning- Failure without sufficient cause to comply with

the notice is an offence punishable under section 10 A of the

Territorial Army Act,1948, (56 of 1948).




Whereas you are in-charge of the management of a public

utility service as defined in clause (dd) of section 2 of the

Territorial Army Act, 1948:

And whereas it is desired to know the particulars of the

persons employed under you are liable to perform compulsory

service in the Territorial Army under sub-section (l) of

section 6A of the said Act;

Now therefore by virtue of the powers conferred on me

under sub-section (5) of section 6A of the said Act read with


rule IIB and IIC of the Territorial Army Rules 1948, I hereby

require you to furnish (in duplicate/triplicate) the particulars

shown in the attached Form (Schedule II-D) in respect of each

person employed under you is liable to perform service in the

Territorial Army under sub-section (I) of section 6A of the

said Act.

The particular should reach the office of the undersigned


Place : Signature…………………..

Date : Designation………………


(Note:- The provisions of the TA Act and rules referred to

in this form should be reproduced in extenso on the back of the


Schedule II-C

(see Rule II-C)





Dear Sir,

Reference your notice No____________dated_____________

requiring me to furnish particulars of our employees who are

liable for compulsory service in the Territorial Army under section

6A of the Territorial Army Act, 1948, I hereby forward

the required information on the prescribed from (Schedule II-D)

in duplicate/triplicate.

2. I hereby certify that the names of none of our employees

who are liable for compulsory service in the Territorial Army

have been omitted from the annexed lists.

Signature of person in charge of


Date :

Place :

N.B.—All information must be given in block capitals.


Schedule II-D

(see Rule II-C)


S.No. Name Father’s Name Nationality Date of Birth


1 2 3 4 5



Educational Permanent Appt held Weather Signature of

and technical address and experience convicted the employee

qualification for any



during the

period of



If So




1 2 3 4 5


I hereby certify that the information given above is correct

to the best of my knowledge and any change that may occur

in the above will be notified to you on or before 20th of each

month. I also declare that in the event of any of the above

employees being called up for training or service I shall make

him available for such training or service in the Territorial

Army as and when required.

Signature of person in-charge of



Schedule II-E

(see Rule II-D)

Warning – Failure without sufficient cause to comply with this

notice is an offence punishable under section 10A of

Territorial Army Act, 1948 (56 of 1948)




Whereas, according to information received, you are a

person employed under Government or in a public utility service


which has been so declared in the notification of the Government

of India in the Ministry of ……………No………………………..

dated………………………………to which the territorial Army Act,

1948 (56 of 1948) applies.

And whereas it is believed that you have attained the age

of 20 years but not completed the age of 40 years and are

not a person who is or has exempted from the operation

of the said Act.

And whereas it is necessary to obtain the required information

from you;

Now therefore by virtue of the power conferred on me by

sub-section (4) of section 6A of the said Act read with rule IIB

and IID of the Territorial Army Rules 1948, I………………………….

………………………….hereby require you……………………….to fill up

tha attached From (Schedule II-F) in duplicate/triplicate sign

and deliver or cause the same to be delivered to me or my

office, by……………………………………at the latest or send the same

to me by registered post, so that it reaches m e by date aforesaid



Place :

Date :


Note- The TA Act Sections and TA rules referred to should be

reproduced on the back of the form.

Schedule II-F

(see Rule II-D)

1. Name in full (Block letter)

2. Postal and Telegraphic Address :-



Permanent Home

3. Father’s name and postal Address.

4. If dead, give last address, his profession and status

5. Are you a citizen of India by birth and /or by domicile ?


6. If not, state your nationality.

7. Religion.

8. Date and place of birth.

(Documentary proof required)

9. Present employment.

10. Present emoluments.

11. Date from which employed with the present employer.

12. How long is your employment to last ?

(If employment is on contract, state term of contract).

13. Are you liable to transfer? If so, where and how


14. Present employers.

15. What are your prescribed working hours ?

16. Educational Qualification :

Qualifications School/ Collage attended

17. Technical/ Professional Qualifications :-

Qualifications Institutions Date of Date of

attended entry leaving

18. Previous experience (Civil or services)

Nature of employment Name of employer Duration



with dates

19. Have you ever served Army, Navy or Air Force,

Indian Territorial Army, National Cadet Core, State Forces?)

20. If so, State-



Ranks, status and capacity

Date of joining

Date of leaving

Cause of leaving

Character on discharge (if applicable)

Last rank held


Personal and Regimental number

Decoration held

Courses of Instructions attended and qualification


21. Were you ever convicted by a Criminal Court, Court

Martial or other service authorities?

If so, state the offence charged and the sentence/


22. Are you now a member of any of the Reserve Forces?

If so, give details.

23. Are you now a member of the National Cadet Corps?

If so, give details.

24. Have you ever previously applied for enrolement or

Commission in the Territorial Army? If so, with what


25. Which arm/service will you prefer, if you are called up

for service in the Territorial Army ?

I hereby declare that the information given by me in this

form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Place Signature of person

Date Required to fill up this form

Forwarded in compliance with your notice.

No Dated





(See Rule II-E)

Warning—Failure without sufficient cause to comply with

this notice is an offence punishable under section 10A of the

Territorial Army Act, 1948 (56 of 1948).





Whereas it appears from information submitted by you to

……………………………. that you are liable for compulsory

service in the Territorial Army;

And whereas it is necessary that your suitability for performing

service in the Territorial Army should be determined

in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Territorial


Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers conferred on me

by clause (c) of section 10A of the Territorial Army Act, 1948

(56 of 1948) I hereby require you…………………………………….to

present on…………………………………. at ……………………AM/PM

or on such adjourned date or time as may be intimated to you

on the date/dates fixed, for interview/examination/medical

examination, by ……………………………………

(Please bring the following documents with you).



Travelling and other allowances admissible under the rules

will be paid to you at the conclusion of the interview/examination/

medical examination.

Your appeal, if any, against this notice should be made

to ………………………………

*within fifteen days of the receipt of this notice by you.

*See Rule II-J





(Note—TA Act Sections and TA Rules referred to should be

re-produced on back of the form).



(See Rule II-F)

Warning—Failure without sufficient cause to comply with

the notice is an offence punishable under section 10A of the

Territorial Army Act, 1948 (56 of 1948).




Whereas you………………….are a person liable for

compulsory service in the Territorial Army under section 6A

of the Territorial Army Act, 1948 (56 of 1948);

And whereas you have been selected to join the Territorial

Army as an Officer in the rank of………………………………………

Junior Commissioned Officer in the rank of …………………..

Enrolled persons in the rank of …………………………………….

And whereas it is necessary that you should be called

up for performing service in the Territorial Army;

Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers conferred on me

by sub-section(2) of section 6A of the Territorial Army Act,

1948 (56 of 1948) read with rules II-B and II-F of the Territorial

Army Rules 1948, I………………………………………………

appoint you to…………………………………….(unit) and hereby

require you………………………………………..to present yourself

to ………………………….at…………………….on………..at……………

AM/PM with this notice.

Travelling and other allowances admissible under the rules

will be paid to you by ……………………………………………….

Your appeal, if any, against this notice should be made

to…………………………..*within fifteen days of the

receipt of this notice by you.





Note—TA Act Section and TA Rules referred to should be reproduced

on the back of the form).

*See rule II-J.



(See Rule II-F(3))


(To be completed on the date a person reports in compliance

with a notice under sub-rule (I) of rule II-F).

I understand that as from…………………………the date I

joined the Territorial Army in compliance with notice No………

dated……………………..served upon me on ………………..under

rule……………………I have become a member of the Territorial

Army as on enrolled person and I am liable to serve

therein for a period of ………………………. years in the Territorial

Army and …………………….years in the Territorial Army Reserve

and that service in Territorial Army may be extended by two

years at a time or such longer periods as may be specified in

this behalf by the ADGTA so as to complete

a total period of…………………..years in the Territorial


I also understand that I will be entitled to discharge from

the Territorial Army only as provided in the Territorial Army

Act, 1948 (56 of 1948) and the Territorial Army Rules, 1948.


Date Signature of individual…………..

Signature of Commanding

Place Officer…………….




(I) I agree to extend my Territorial Army Service for…..

……….years with liability to transfer to the Reserve until I have

completed the total period of service for which I am liable

under this engagement.


Signed in my presence at……………………..this………………………….

date of………………………………..20…………..

Signature of Commanding Officer…………………………


(2) I agree to extend my Territorial Army Service for ………

years with liability to transfer to the Reserve until I have

completed the total period of service for which I am liable

under this engagement.


Signed in my presence at …………………………..this………………….

day of ………………………………………20………..

Signature of Commanding Officer……………………………..

(3) I agree to extend my Territorial Army Service for ………

years with liability to transfer to the Reserve until I have

completed the total period of service for which I am liable

under this engagement.


Signed in my presence at …………………………..this………………….

day of ………………………………………20………..

Signature of Commanding Officer……………………………..


(Name) ……………………………………………..was transferred to

the Reserve from (date)…………………………………………………

*He was not given the option of extending his Territorial

Army service.


*He was given the option of extending his Territorial

Army Service but elected not to exercise it.

*Strike out the one which is not applicable.

Signed at…………………………………..this……………….. day of

………………………….20 .

Signature of commanding officer………………………





I ………………………………….do swear in the name

of God that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution

of India as by law established and that I will, as in

duty bound, honestly and faithfully serve in the Territorial

Army of the Union of India and go wherever ordered by air, land

or sea, and that I will observe and obey all commands of the

President of the Union of India and the commands of any

officer set over me even to the peril of my life.


I……………………………………….do solemnly affirm that I

will bear true faith and allegiance of the Constitution of India

as by law established and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly

and faithfully serve in the Territorial Army of the Union

of India and go wherever ordered by air, land or sea, and

that I will observe and obey all commands of the President of

the Union of India and the commands of any officer set over

me even to the peril of my life.


Sworn/duly affirmed before me at…………………………………….

this ……………………………………day of……………………….20 .

Signature of Attesting Officer…………..


Pay and allowances admissible under Rule 23

I. Officers (other than Junior Commissioned Officers)-

(a) Pay of rank and dearness allowances as may be admissible

for corresponding ranks of the regular army in accordance

with the regulations for the time being in force.

(b) An allowance of Rs 10 per day for every day of-

(i) actual attendance at recruit, annual or voluntary

training in camp, provided that a minimum period of

three consecutive days at any one time is spent in camp

and provided the officers concerned live, mess and

sleep in camp;


(ii) voluntary training, when such voluntary training

consists of attachment to a regular unit or a Territorial

Army unit;

(iii) actual attendance at authorised or local courses of

instructions with a regular unit or otherwise.

II Junior Commissioned officers, Warrant Officers, Non-

Commissioned Officers, Other Ranks and Non-Combatants


(a) Pay of rank, appointment, increments of pay, if any,

and dearness allowances as may be admissible for corresponding

ranks of the regular army in accordance with the regulations for

the time being in force. Pay of rank and appointment include

basic pay.

(b) Non-commissioned officers employed on the permanent administrative or instructional staff of any Territorial Army unit shall be entitled to good service pay as may be admissible for corresponding ranks of the regular army. All embodied service rendered under Rules 21-A and 33 shall count for the

grant of Good Service Pay.

(c) Ration allowance when travelling on duty will be admissible

as for the regular army.


Pay and allowances admissible under rule 23(b) will be as for the corresponding ranks of the regular army.




Percentage for grant of Honorary ranks

(a) Havildars – 10% of retiring Havildars.

(b) Naiks – 15% of retiring Naiks.

(c) Sepoys – 20% of retiring Sepoys.

Criteria for grant of Honorary ranks

Honorary rank of Naib Subedar

(a) Honorary rank of Naib Subedar to Havildar on retirement

irrespective of trade category who have minimum of 18 years

meritorious service in Territorial Army.

(b) Should have served for last two years as Havildar.

(c) Should not have more than two red ink entries in his

conduct sheet and no red ink entry in the last two years of


(d) Should not have been convicted by a court martial.

(e) Should have exemplary character.

(f) Recipient of TA medal.

Honorary rank of Havildars

(a) Honorary rank of Havildar to Naiks after retirement

irrespective of trade category who have minimum of 18 years

of meritorious service in Territorial Army.

(b) should have served for last two years as Naik.

(c) should not have more than two red ink entries in his

conduct sheet and no red ink entry in his last two years


(d) should not have been convicted by a Court Martial.

(e) should have exemplary character.

(f) recipient of TA medal.



(Not yet allotted)


Honorary rank of Naik

(a) Honorary rank of Naik to OR after retirement irrespective

of trade category who have minimum of 15 years of meritorious


(b) should not have more than two red ink entries in the last

two years.

(c) should have exemplary character.

(d) recipient of TA medal.

2. The following categories of NCOs and Sepoys will not be

eligible for grant of respective honorary ranks:–

(a) Promoted/likely to be promoted before their retirement.

(b) Released/likely to be discharged pre-maturely before

their actual dates of retirement on any ground.

(c) involved in a disciplinary case.

(d) Granted/contemplated to be granted extension of service.

(e) Having become ineligible for the award due to any other


**(Auth—Letter No 68913/GS/TA-3(a)227/D(GS-VI)

dated 8th May 1981)





1. With effect from 1st January, 1971, Territorial Army officers

will have to pass promotion examination before they are

granted substantive promotion from Lieutenant to Captain and

and Captain to Major. Syllabus for promotion examination is given

in Appendices ‘A’ and ‘B’ for Territorial Army officers of nondepartmental

and departmental Territorial Army units respectively.

2. The object of promotion examination is to ensure that

officers have the necessary professional knowledge before promotion

to the next substantive rank.

3. Promotion examinations will be held as under:-

(a) Lieutenant to Captain — Part ‘A’ Practical Examination

— Part ‘B’ Written Examination

(b) Captain to Major — Part ‘C’ Practical Examination

— Part ‘D’ Written Examination


4. Territorial Army officers are required to pass the examination

for promotion to Captain and Major before they have

completed the prescribed period of service for promotion to these

ranks laid down in paragraphs 38 (a), Territorial Army Regulations

1948 (Reprint-1958). Officers failing to pass within the prescribed

time will be permitted to complete the examination within

one year from the date they are due for promotion. For the

purposes of this limit, any period of service forfeited by an officer

for promotion as a result of disciplinary action will not be


5. Officers who pass the examination within the time limit

will be promoted, if recommended, on completion of prescribed


length of service. Those passing the examination after expiry

of prescribed limit and within the 12 months extra time allowed,

will be promoted, if recommended, from the date of passing their

examination. An officer who passes in any of the practical tests

or written test will be deemed to have passed such tests or

paper on the *first day of the examination (in any particular part),

at which he finally qualifies.

*(Auth– )

6. To be eligible to sit for examination for promotion to the

rank of Captain and Major, an officer must have attained the

substantive rank of Lieutenant and Captain respectively. Every

officer must pass the practical portion of the examination before

he is permitted to appear in the written portion. Officers failing

to pass the promotion examination within the prescribed time

limit, vide para 4 above, will be called upon to resign their

commissions. Should they decline to do so they will be compulsorily

removed from the service and terminal gratuity, if anyadmissible

will be paid to them.


7. (a) The examination will be held once yearly as shown


Parts ‘A’ and ‘C’—1st week of February. Parts ‘B’ and

‘D’ –1st Tuesday of June (Note:– Vide AI 3/61, the

written examination will be held on the 1st Tuesday

of the month or subsequent day or days if Tuesday is

a holiday).

(b) Examination in Parts ‘A’ and ‘C’ will be held under

orders of the GOC Area/Div or equivalent formation

Commander/Independent Sub Area or equivalent Formation

Commander who will appoint the examining

Board as necessary and set the question papers in accordance

with the syllabus given in Appendix ‘A’.

(for Territorial Army officers of non-departmental Territorial

Army units).

(c) The Board will consist of a Presiding officer not below

the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and two Majors, one of

whom will be from the Regular Army and the other

may be from the Territorial Army.

(d) Question papers for Parts ‘B’ and ‘D’ will be set and

corrected under arrangements of Army Headquarters

(MT Dte).

8. Officers will normally be examined within the Territorial

Army Zone in which their unit is located and at centre nearest


to their permanent residence. They are required to take the

whole of the examination at first sitting. Should an officer fail

in one or more subject(s) he will be re-examined only in the

subject (s) in which he has failed.


9. Nominal rolls of officers appearing for practical examinations

Part ‘A’ and ‘C’ will be submitted, on the form given at

Appendix ‘C’ direct to the formation HQ concerned where the

officers are desirous of appearing in the examination.

10. TA Group Headquarters Command will consolidate and

submit, in duplicate, a separate nominal roll for individual officer

appearing for a part or the whole of Parts ‘B’ and ‘D’ of

the examination so as to reach the Vice Chief of the Army Staff

(MT-20) by 25th April on the form given at Appendix ‘D’.


11. The following will be exempted from passing the promotion


(a) Officers of the Army Medical Corps.

(b) Officers who have already passed these examinations

while serving with the Regular army.

(c) Officers who are permitted to count their full pay commissioned

service in the Regular Army for seniority

which would entitle them to promotion to the next substantive

rank in less than two years from the date of

joining the Territorial Army.

(d) Officers of departmental TA units (Railways, Signal,

Post and Telegraphs, Docks and Inland Water Transport)

from Parts ‘A’,’B’,’C’ and ’D’ applicable to Non-

Departmental TA officers. They will, however, be required

to pass an examination to be called- Departmental

TA Officer Promotion Examination (Lt to Capt)-

within first five year of their service, without attaining

substantive rank of Lt, as laid down in para 6 above.

Those who are unable to pass within this period will,

however, be permitted to pass this examination before

they complete the prescribe period of service, that is

8 years as laid down in para 38 (a) of TA Regs for

promotion to the substantive rank of Captain. Officers


failing to pass this examination will be permitted to

complete the examination within one year from the date

they are due for promotion but will be promoted from

the date of passing the examination.

(e) EME Territorial Army officers are exempted from passing

Parts ‘A’ and ‘C’ of the Promotion Examination.

(f) Officer and non- Departmental Territorial Army units who

have previously passed in :-

(i) ‘Administration and Morale’ will not be required

to pass in the new paper ‘Organisation and Administration’.

(ii) ‘Military Law’ will not be required to pass in the

new paper ‘Military Law and Internal Security


(iii) the combined paper on ‘Administration and Military

Law’ will not be required to pass in both the

new papers introduced with effect from 1 Jan 1971,

and will be deemed to have passed the whole examination

Parts ‘B’ and ‘D’ from that date, as applicable.

(g) Officers of departmental Territorial Army units who

had passed previously in Administration and Military

Law papers will not be required to pass this paper now

prescribed for these officers in Appendix ‘B’. However,

those departmental Territorial Army officers who have

passed in only one of the two papers of Administration

and Military Law will be required to pass the whole

paper i.e. Administration and Military Law given in

Departmental TA Officers Examination (Appendix ‘B’).

(g) Officers of non- departmental TA units will be exempted

from passing Parts ‘A’ and ‘B’ provided they fulfil

the following conditions :-


Infantry TA Officers

(a) Must have carried out post-commission training and

should have qualified/should qualify on Platoon

Weapons Officers Course within the prescribed time



Arty TA Officers

(a) Must have carried out post-commission training and

should have qualified/should qualify on Introductory

Officer (AD) Course within the prescribed time



Infantry TA Officer

(a) Should have qualified/should qualify on Junior Commanders

Course within the prescribed time limit

Arty TA Officers

(a) Should have qualified/should qualify on Junior Commanders

Course or in one of the following courses

within the prescribed time limit.

(i) Regimental Officers (AD)

(ii) Arty Staff Officers

(iii) Junior Command and staff (AD)

(j) Those Departmental TA officers, who have completed

7 years service (attained the substantive rank of Capt)

will not be required to take any examination for promotion

to the substantive rank of Major. However, those

officer who have completed five years or more but less

than 7 years service will be given two years to pass the

examination without loss of seniority for promotion to

the substantive rank of Captain.

12. Territorial Army Officers granted Emergency/SSRC and

reverting to the Territorial Army will have to pass the Promotion

examination if they do not fulfil the condition laid down in para

11 above. However, they will get the same number of chances

as they would have got but their joining the Regular Army.


13. The name of officers who pass in a part or portion of

the examination will be published in Army Order. The result of

practical tests will be forwarded by the President of the Board

direct to the Vice Chief of the Army Staff (MT-2) by registered

post immediately on the conclusion of the examination. The form

given in Appendix ‘C’ will be used for the purpose.



14. Officer taking the examination in any part will be embodied

under Rules 20 and 22. The period taken for examination(s)

will be counted against annual training prescribed under Rule



15. Officer attending the examination will be treated as on

duty. TA/DA will be admissible as for the officers of the regular

Army, vide paras 25 and 26 of SAI 23/S/68.




Syllabus for Promotion Examination—Territorial Army Officers

other than Medical and Department units.

Paper Total Pass Time Syllabus Remarks

marks marks allowed


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)




General Test 200 100 *Practical examination will con- *At the

discretion of exasist

of a simple tactical exercise mination Boards.

without troops involving the

employment of a company/

Battery and the affiliated arms

at the level in any operations

of war. The problem will

include use of radiotelephony,

practical map reading and

simple questions on administtation

in the field.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)




Organisation and Admini- 500 250 3 Organisation and Adimintration Notes:–

stration (a) Outline organisation of all 1. Problems may be any

equivalent level. Arms up to company or

type of terrain.

(b) Handling of a rifle company2. All the topics mention-

(TA) in Co-operation with ed need not necessaother

Arms in various oper- rily be included in a

ations of war. paper.

(c) Independent tasks of upto 3. No reference book

company group including will be allowed for

raids, ambushes, patrols and answering this paper.

special missions.

(d) Characteristics, roles and

employment of arms, in all

operations of war.

(e) Detailed organisation of AD

Regt (TA) and Inf Battalion

(TA) including Modification


(f) Detailed knowledge of the

duties of a company or

equivalent Commander in

the candidates own arm of

service in peace and war.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Organisation and Admini- (g) General knowledge of the 4. The paper will contain

stration (Contd.) following is also required:- at least ONE obli-

(i) The titles and scope of gatory question specithe

official publication fically dealing with

which concern the ad- administration in Terministration

of the unit. ritorial Army.

(ii) General system of administration

and war

upto brigade group and

Sub-Area level.

(h) Question of a general nature

will also be set on the following


(i) Promotions, transfers

and discharge from service.

(ii) Pay system in peace and


(iii) Accommodation for troops including hygiene and sanitation.

(iv) System of demand and supply of clothing, equipment, rations, POL and ammunition in the field within a brigade


(v) Evacuation of sick and wounded within a brigade group including

first aid in nuclear warfare.

(vi) Morale and welfare of



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Organisation and Admini- (vii) The GENEVA Convenstration

(Contd.) tions.

(viii) Documentation at unit


Military Law and Internal 500 250 3 Military law and Internal Secu- Notes :–

Security Duties rity Duties.

Candidates should have suffi- 1. Manual of

cient knowledge of the arrange- Military Law (Rement

of the Manual of Indian Print 1983). Regu

Military Law, Regulation for lation for the Army

the Army. Territorial Army 1987. Territorial

Act and Territorial Army Rules Army Act and Terto

enable them to solve pro- ritorial Army Act

blems likely to arise in the cou- Rules will be allowed

rse of their duties. Questions for answering this

will be set on the following with paper.

particular reference to Territorial

Army personnel :- 2. These books may not

(a) Enrolment and attestation. contain any additions

other than authorised

(b) Offences and punishments, amendments.

arrests and military custody.

investigation of charges.

(c) Power of punishments of a

Company Commander and

minor punishments.

(d) Courts on inquiry.

(e) Summary of evidence, duties

of members of Court

Martials prosecuting officer

and defending officer.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Military Law and Internal (f) Penal deductions from pay

Security Duties—Contd. redress of wrongs.

(g) Duties in aid of civil power

to include :-

(i) Disposal of unlawful


(ii) Legal aspects in aid

of civil power/disposal

of unlawful assemblies.

(iii) Right of private defence.

(iv) Guiding principles when

acting in aid of civil





General Test 200 100 *Practical examinal will consist

of a tactical exercise with- *At the discretion of

out troops involving employ- examination boards.

ment of an Infantry Battalion

(TA)/Air Defence Regiment

(TA) and affiliated arms and

their administration in the field

in any operation of war.

Practical map reading and

question covering administration

in the field and use of radio

telephony will be included.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)




Organisation and Admini- 500 250 3 Organisation and Administration


1. Same topics as for Part’B’

However questions will be

set in greater detail at a battalion

or equivalent level

including their characteristics

and capabilities.

2. Questions will also be set on

the following :- Note :–

1. The paper will con-

(a) Office routine and cor- tain at least ONE

respondence. obligatory question

(b) Messing, Canteen, Re- specifically dealing

gimental Funds and with administration in

barrack damages, Territorial Army.

(c) Organisation and duties

of the staff upto divisional


(d) Morale and welfare of



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Military Law and Internal Security


Military Law and Internal 500 250 3 1. The same syllabus as for Note:–

Security Duties Part ‘B’, but in greater detail. 1. Mannual of

Questions will also be set on Military Law, 1983.

the following :- Regulations for the

(a) Suspension of Sentences. Army, 1987. Territ-

(b) Kinds of Court Martial orial Army Act and

composition, convening Rules will be allowed

of courts, procedure and for answering this

confirmation. paper.

(c) Power of punishment of

Commanding Officers.

(d) All aspects concerning

duties in aid of civil

power. 2. These books may not

contain any addition

other than authorised



EME Territorial Army Officers will undergo the same type of written examination as envisaged for nondepartmental

Territorial Army units of the rank of Lieutenant to Captain and Captain to Major for Parts

‘B’ and ‘D’.



Paper Total Pass Time Syllabus Remarks

marks marks allowed


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)


Administration and Military


Administration and Mili- 500 250 3 1. Candidates will be expected (Written) Notes

tary Law to know the general system 1. The paper will contain

of Adm in peace and war at

at least ONE Oblisub

unit/unit level in parti- gatory question specicular

and Bde Group and fically dealing with

Sub Area level in general. administration in Territorial


2. Questions of a general nature

will also be set on the following


(a) Promotion, transfer and

discharge from service.

(b) Pay system in peace and


(c) Accommodation for

troops including hygiene

and sanitation.

(d) Documentation at unit



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

(e) Messing, Canteens,

Regimental funds and

barrack damages.

(f) Organisation of staff

upto Bde/Sub Area level.

(g) Territorial Army Regulations.

3. Candidates should have suffi- 2. Mannual of Micient

knowledge of the arran- litary Law (Reprint

gement of the Manual of 1983).

Indian Military Law, Regu- Regulation for the Army

lation for the Army, Ter- 1987. TA Act and TA

ritorial Army Act and Ter- Act Rules will be allowed

ritorial Army Act Rules to for answering this paper.

enable them to solve pro- These books may ;not

blems likely to arise in the contain any additions

course of their duties. other than authorised


Questions will also be set on the

following :–

(a) Powers of Company Commanders

and minor punishments.

(b) Powers of Commanding Officers

summary disposal and

minor punishments.

(c) Courts of Inquiry.

(d) Penal deduction from pay

redress of wrongs.



Promotion Examination Officers—Lieutenant to Captain/Captain to Major*

(Separate forms to be used for Lieutenants and Captains)

Nominal roll of officers appearing for Part A/C* from (date)……………………………to ………………………….

Ser- Index Personnel Rank/Sub- Name Corps Unit Authority Marks Passed or Remarks

ial No. No. tantive/ passing Obtained failed

No Acting *Retention

*Part ‘B’

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l)

Note:– 1. *Delete whichever is not applicable.



Promotion* Examination-Territorial Army Officer Lieutenant to

Captain/Captain to Major

(Separate form to be used individual Officer)


(To be allotted by Army Headquarters)

1. Promotion Examination Part*………………………………………..B/D.

2. Appearing at……………………………………………………………..Centre

3. Personnel Number………………………………………………………………..

4. Rank…………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Name…………………………………………………………………………………….

(in block letter according to Army List)

6. Arm/Service………………………………………………………………………….

7. Date of Commission………………………………………………………………..

(with seniority for promotion, if any)

8. Unit……………………………………………………………………………………….

(Departmental/ non-Departmental)

9. Authority for passing Part *A/C………………………………………………

10. Subject in which desirous of appearing (a)


11. Subject in which previously

passed with authority………………………………………………………

12. Signature of the candidate…………………………………………………….

Certify that the particulars given in the nominal rolls have

been scrutinised and are correct.

13. Signature of the Commanding officer……………………………………..

14. To be signed by the candidate in the examination Hall


1st day 2nd day


*Note:–Delete whichever is not applicable.





1. Selection-(a) Officers will normally be seconded to the permanent

staff from the regular army till such time Territorial

Army Officers of sufficient service are available.

(b) Officers of the Territorial Army selected for employment

on the permanent staff of a unit will normally be selected

from the officer Cadre of that unit.

2. Attachment to Regular Army Units- Officer seconded

from the regular Army when not required for training or administrative

duties with the Territorial Army will normally return

to their own unit or group subject to such orders as may be

issued from the time to time. In the case of Territorial Army Officers

they may be attached to the nearest group or unit under

orders of GOC-in-C Command . During the period of attachment

of these officer, the Territorial Army has at all times the prior

claim on their services.

3. The Establishment of Permanent Staff – The establishment

of officers on the permanent staff will count against the

peace establishment of the unit.

4. Tenure of Appointment- See paras 12 and 16 of these


Note- All officers will not be relieved in any one year. The

relief will be so arranged as to ensure continuity for administration

and training.

5. Action if Officer is found unsuitable- In the event of an

officer being found unsuitable for employment on the permanent

staff he will be relieved and may in the case of a regular army

officer be returned to the regular army and in the case of TA

officer be relieved of his full time employment.

6. Re-appointment—No officer of the regular army will be

re-appointed on the permanent staff within 2 years of completion

of his previous tenure, except when otherwise ordered.


7. Leave and Furlough—Leave and pay and allowances

during leave will be as for the regular army and will be regulated

by the Officer Commanding the Territorial Army unit.

No leave or furlough may be granted from training camps

except in very exceptional cases.

8. Seniority—Territorial Army Officers vis-a-vis Regular

Army Officers—Territorial Army Officers when serving with officers

of the Regular Army will be junior to the Regular Army

Officers in the same rank except that a Territorial Army Officer

holding a substantive rank will be senior to a Regular Army Officer

holding the same rank in an acting capacity.

9. Vacancies—Vacancies in the permanent staff of officers

will be reported by the Officer Commanding to Army Headquarters

through normal channels in sufficient time for another officer

to be posted in relief. Command Headquarters may temporarily

fill the vacancies in the sanctioned establishment by attachment

from a regular unit pending the appointment by Army Headquarters

of an officer possessing the requisite qualifications. If

the officer commanding the unit wishes that a Territorial Army

Officer be appointed he will forward such recommendation to

Army Headquarters through normal channels.


1. Selection—(a) Junior Commissioned Officers seconded to

the permanent staff from the regular army will as far as possible

belong to the zone in which the unit is raised.

(b) Junior Commissioned Officers of the Territorial Army

selected for appointment on the permanent staff of a unit will be

selected from the junior commissioned officers cadre of that


2. Attachment to Regular Army Units—Junior Commissioned

Officers seconded from Regular Army when not required

for training or administrative duties with the Territorial Army

will normally return to their unit or group in order to keep up-todate

in administration and instructional methods. In the case of

Territorial Army Junior Commissioned Officers they may be attached

to the nearest group or unit under order of Area/Div/

Independent Sub Area/Independent Bde Gp/Independent Bde

Commander/TA Group Commander. During the period of attachment

of these junior commissioned officers the Territorial

Army will at all times have prior claim on their services.


3. Establishment of Permanent Staff—The establishment of

Junior Commissioned Officers for the permanent staff will count

against the Peace Establishment of the unit.

4. Tenure of Appointment—The tenure of appointment of

Junior Commissioned Officers seconded from regular army will be

as laid down in Paras 33 and 34 of these Regulations.

Should a commanding officer wish to replace a regular J.C.O.

by a Territorial Army J.C.O. before the tenure of appointment of

the former is finished he may submit such recommendations to

Command Headquarters through normal channels.

5. Action if a Junior Commissioned Officer is found Unsuitable—

Junior Commissioned Officer found unsuitable for employment

on the permanent staff will be relieved and may in the case

of regular army junior commissioned officer be borne supernumerary

to his unit establishment until absorbed and in the case of

Territorial Army J.C.O. be relieved of his full time employment.

6. Re-appointment—No junior commissioned officer seconded

from the regular army will be re-appointed to the permanent

staff within two years of completion of his previous tenure, except

when otherwise ordered.

7. Responsibility of Pay and Accounts—The officer commanding

a Territorial Army unit will be responsible for the pay

and accounts of the Junior Commissioned Officers of T.A. on

the permanent staff and the officer commanding the Training

Centre or the regular unit, as the case may be, will be responsible

for the pay and accounts of Junior Commissioned Officers of

the regular army on the permanent staff during their period of


8. Appointment and Relief of Permanent Staff—The appointment

and relief of the Junior Commissioned Officers of the

regular army on the permanent staff will be co-ordinated by the

commanding officer of the Territorial Army unit concerned in

consultation with the officer commanding the Training Centre/

Record Office or unit concerned. The appointment and relief of

Territorial Army J.C.O. will be sanctioned by Army Headquarters.

9. Leave and Pay and Allowances during Leave—Leave

and pay and allowances during leave will be as for the regular


army, Leave will be regulated by the officer commanding the

Territorial Army unit.

No leave may be granted from training camps except in

very exceptional circumstances.

10. Small Arms Course—At least one Junior Commissioned

Officer per Territorial Army unit of a strength exceeding two

hundred must have passed a weapons course of any Army School.

11. Seniority—Seniority of Regular Army Junior Commissioned

Officer vis-a-vis Territorial Army Junior Commissioned

Officers, when serving on the permanent staff, will be determined

in accordance with para 37(b) of the TA Regs 1948.

12. Employment of Ex-JCOs with Honorary Commissions—

Pensioned and non-pensioned Junior Commissioned Officers with

honorary commission when entitled to rank as such, will not be

employed as Junior Commissioned Officers on the permanent staff.

13. Filling up Vacancies—Vacancies of Junior Commissioned

Officers in the permanent staff will be reported by the officer

commanding to Command Headquarters, who may temporarily

fill the vacancies in the sanctioned establishment by attachment

from a regular unit pending the appointment of a Junior

Commissioned Officer by a Regimental/Training Centre/

Record Office concerned, possessing the requisite qualifications.

If a J.C.O. from the regular army is not required, the commanding

officer may recommend a Territorial Army J.C.O. for full

time employment to Command Headquarters through normal





1. Selection—(a) Warrant officers, non-commissioned officers,

and other ranks seconded to the permanent staff from the

regular army will, as far as possible, belong to the zone in which

the unit is raised.

(b) If the commanding officer does not require regular army

personnel on account of suitable T.A. personnel being available.

Territorial Army warrant officers, non-commissioned officers,

and other ranks of the appropriate ranks may be selected for full

time employment on the permanent staff of a unit.

2. Attachment to Regular Army Unit—Warrant officers,

non-commissioned officers and other ranks seconded from regular

army, when not required for training or administrative duties with

the Territorial Army will normally return to their own unit or

group subject to such orders as may be issued from time to time.

In the case of Territorial Army personnel, they may be attached

to the nearest group or unit under orders of the Area/Div/Independent

Sub Area/Independent Bde Gp/Independent Bde Commander/

TA Gp.

3. Establishment of Permanent Staff—The establishment of

warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and other ranks of the

permanent staff will count against the Peace Establishment of the


4. Tenure of Appointment—The tenure of appointment will

be as follows—

(a) Regular Army—3 years except when otherwise ordered.

The tenure may be extended upto 4 years, under orders

of OIC Records/Engrs Group (in the case of Armed

Corps, Coast Arty, Corps of Signals and Engr units).

(b) Territorial Army—3 years except when otherwise ordered.

The tenure may be extended up to 5 years (7 years in

case of clerks) under orders of OC unit; extension being

granted for one year at a time:

Provided that the above tenure will start afresh in case of a

WO, NCO or OR of the Territorial Army, who is posted to

a new appointment on the permanent staff in the same unit or

in another unit either in the same rank or in a higher rank. In


case such a WO, NCO or OR employed on the permanent

staff is the only one in his rank and trade in the entire establishment

of the unit, the above tenure will not apply.

5. Action if a Warrant Officer, Non-Commissioned Officer, or

Other Rank is found unsuitable—Any warrant officer, non-commissioned

officer or other rank found unsuitable for employment

on the Territorial Army permanent staff will be relieved and may

in the case of regular army personnel be borne supernumerary to

his unit establishment until absorbed, and in the case of Territorial

Army personnel be relieved of his full time employment.

6. Re-appointment—No warrant officer, non-commissioned

officer or other rank seconded from the regular army will be reappointed

to the permanent staff within two years of completion

of his previous tenure except when otherwise ordered.

7. Responsibility for pay and Accounts—The officer commanding

a Territorial Army unit will be responsible for the pay

and accounts of the WOs, NCOs, and other ranks, on the permanent

staff and the Officer Commanding Training Centre or the

regular unit, as the case may be, will be responsible for the pay

and accounts of the WOs, NCOs, and other ranks of the regular

army on the permanent staff during their period of secondment.

8. Appointment and Relief of Permanent Staff—The appointment

and relief of all the WOs, NCOs, and other ranks of the regular

army on the permanent staff will be coordinated by the

commanding officer of the unit concerned in consultation with the

officer commanding the Training Centre/Record Office or unit


9. Leave and Pay and Allowances during Leave—Leave and

Pay and allowances during leave will be as for the regular army.

Leave will be regulated by the officer commanding the Territorial

Army unit.

No leave may be granted from training camps except in

very exceptional circumstances.

10. Seniority—All regular Army warrant officers, non-commissioned

officers and other ranks of the permanent staff will be

senior to all Territorial Army warrant officers, non-commissioned

officers, and other ranks of the same rank.

11. Qualification for Appointment of Warrant Officer, Non-

Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks—The following minimum


qualification will be required for warrant officers, non-commissioned

officers and other ranks, for appointment to the permanent

staff of the Territorial Army—

(a) General—

(i) Must be of the appropriate rank.

(ii) Must be active, intelligent, smart, steady and reliable.

(b) Warrant Officers and N.C.O. Instructors—

(i) First Class shot.

(ii) A certificate by the Commanding Officer to the

effect that he is thoroughly competent to instruct

in the following subjects—

Physical Training.

Weapon Training.


Appropriate Technical subjects.

(for Technical units.)

(iii) 2nd Class (R.U.) certificate of education or equivalent

civil educational standard certificate.

(c) Other Ranks —They must

be in possession of the same qualifications as are considered

necessary for the performance of similar duties

in the regular army.

12. Reversion from the Permanent Staff—WOs NCOs and

Other Ranks of the Territorial Army who are embodied for employment

on the permanent administrative and instructional staff

will, on the expiry of their tenures on that staff, revert on the

part-time strength and the least efficient person on the entire establishment

of the unit concerned in the same rank and trade be

discharged, if necessary, on account of surplus establishment.






1. Eligibility—Territorial Army Commissions may be graned

in the Indian land forces to any national of India, with the

requisite qualifications.

2. Nationality—A candidate must be;

(a) a citizen of India; or

(b) a subject of Sikkim, or

(c) a person who has migrated from Pakistan with the intention

of permanently settling down in India, or

(d) a subject of Nepal or of a Portuguese or of a former

French possession in India.

Note—The appointment of candidates in categories (c) and

above will be subject to the issue of certificates of eligibility

in their favour by the Government of India. Certificates of eligibility

will not, however, be necessary in the case of candidates

belonging to any of the following categories—

(1) Persons who migrated to India from Pakistan after 18th

July, 1948, and have ordinarily been resident in India

since then.

(2) Persons who migrated to India from Pakistan after 18th

July, 1948 but before 30th September, 1948 and had

got themselves registered as citizens within the time


(3) Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

(4) Non-citizens who entered service under the Union before

the commencement of the Constitution, viz, 26th

January, 1950, and who have continued in such service

since them. Any such persons who re-entered or

may re-enter such service with a break, after the 26th

January, 1950, will, however, require certificates of eligibility

in the usual way.


3. Age limit—Applicants should have attained the age

18 years and not have attained the age of *42 years, 45 years in

case of employees of P & T department joining Sig Coys P&T

(TA), on the date of application, but the upper age limit may

be relaxed at the discretion of the Chief of the Army Staff, in

the case of (a) ex-officers, ex-VCOs/JCOs and WOs (or their

equivalent) of the three Services, the Indian Territorial Forces,

State Forces, Auxiliary Forces and the Reserve, (b) ex-serving

JCOs of the Territorial Army, (c) Government officials and

persons possessing technical and medical qualifications.

*(Amended vide CS No 264/1/85)

4. Minimum Qualifications—Civilian Candidates only—

(a) For Engineer Units—

(i) For Field Companies, Field Park Companies, Construction

Companies, Workshop and park, Companies,

Electrical and Mechanical Companies

Field Survey Companies—Associated Members

of the Institute of Engineers or equivalent qualification.

(ii) For Commander Railway Group—Must hold

appointment not less than an administrative appointment

in any Railway.

(iii) For Railway Operating Company—Must hold

appointment not less than an Assistant Traffic Officer

or a Junior Assistant Commercial Officer in

any Railway.

(iv) For Railway Workshop Company –Must hold

appointment of not less than an Assistant Mechanical

Engineer or an Assistant Electrical Engineer or

an Assistant Works Manager (Production) in


(v) For Railway Construction Company—Must be a

qualified Civil Engineer or an officer holding

appointment not less than an Assistant Engineer in

any Railway.

(b) For Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineer


(i) to be a member of an associated member

Institute of Mechanical Engineers or the Institute

of Electrical Engineer or have passed such other


exempting examination as qualify for Membership

or associated Membership of these Institutes.


(ii) to be in possession of an Engineering Degree of a

recognised University and have at least one year’s

practical Engineering experience.

(iii) if not in possession of full academic qualifications

specified in sub paras (i) and (ii) above, to have

attended a technical institute, college or school and

gained there at a diploma or other proof of having

successfully completed a course and in addition

to have considerable practical engineering experience,

i.e. have served an apprenticeship with a reputable

firm and held a responsible appointment in

a mechanical, electrical, or automobile firm.

(c) For Corps of signal units—

(i) must be in possession of a degree or diploma of a

recognised university in Electrical Engineering

with experience in tele-communication.


(ii) must be in possession of a degree in Physics and

Mathematics and have good knowledge of Radio.

N.B.—(These standards may be relaxed if the candidate has

an extensive knowledge of Communications)

(d) For Air Observation Squadron Artillery Units—Applicants

for the Air Defence Operation Squadron must be

in possession of class A flying licence.

(e) For other Arms and other Categories of Officers not

specified in para 4(a). (b), (c) and (d) above—

(i) Education—The candidate should have passed Intermediate

or its equivalent from a recognised university.

List of examination considered equivalent to matriculation

is at Appendix XXX-B.

(ii) Other Qualifications—Preference may be given to

a candidate who has served with credit in the


National cadet Corps and is recommended for a

commission by the Officer commanding. The

candidate must satisfy the interviewing officer and

Selection Board that he is in all respects suitable

to receive a Commission in the Territorial Army

and to this end may be required to undergo certain

Selection Board Tests.

NOTE—With effect from 1st January 1964, in the case of

Infantry, for promotion to Nb Sub, the Examining Board will be

as per para 4(a) above and convening authority will be unit

commander not below the rank of Lieutenant colonel.

(Amendment No 174/IV/64)

5. Qualification— For ex-officers, ex-VCOs/JCOs and WOs

(or their equivalents) of the three services, the Indian Territorial

force, State Forces, Auxiliary Forces and Reserve and for Ex/

serving JCOs of the Territorial Army the above qualifications

may be relaxed provided they have a creditable record of service

and provided their technical ability (if applying for a technical

appointment)is considered adequate by the Selection


6. Physical and Medical Fitness—A candidate must be

physically and medically fit in all respects, vide Appendix XII.

7. Method and Submission and Disposal of the Application

Form—(a) The application or I.A.F.(T.A.) – 9 will be completed

for all categories of persons applying for an officer’s commission

in the Territorial Army.

(i) For candidates who are applying for non-technical commissions

the form should be submitted in the first

instance to Sub-Area Headquarters. After the verification

and interview by the Sub-Area or equivalent Commander,

and medical examination by the Service medical

authorities the application forms of suitable candidates

will be forwarded to Army Headquarters together

with the medical certificate.

(ii) For candidates, who are applying for technical appointments

the form will be submitted in the first instance

to Area or Command Headquarters (whichever is

nearest) where candidates for technical arms will attend

for interview and medical examination. The completed

form will then be forwarded to Army Headquarters.


(b) The certified true copies of the following certificates must

accompany the application form and must be attested by a

magistrate or a gazetted or a commissioned officer who is to

endorse his full name designation and address. Originals of all

certificates must be produced at all interviews;

(i) Certificate of age, i.e. Matriculation Certificate.


a certificate from a local Registrar supported by a judicial

affidavit from the father or guardian of the candidate

or other satisfactory proof, instead


a certificate from a local Registrar supported by a judicial

department in the case of a civil Government servant :–

“Certified that the date of birth of Shri_____________

_________ son of Shri__________________________

__________as recorded in his service documents is

____ ____________________ _______________ ___

and further certified that this date of birth has been

duly verified from his educational certificates.”

(ii) Educational certificates

(iii) Technical certificates

(iv) Certificate, where necessary, of nationality or domicile.

(v) In the case of Government servants, a certificate indicating

written consent from the head of the Branch or

Department concerned that the applicant will be available

for military training and embodiment as and when

required by the prescribed military authorities.

8. Method of Selection—Normally all candidates for nontechnical

commissions will be required to present themselves for

interview by Sub Area commander and those candidates for

commissions in technical appointments will be required to present

themselves for interview by the head of the appropriate

Corps or Service at Area or Command Headquarters.

The completed applications of all candidates will then be

forwarded to Army Headquarters; approved candidates will then

be required to present themselves before Selection Boards. Exofficers

and candidates for certain technical appointments may

be required to present themselves for interview by an Army

Headquarters Selection Board. This provision will not apply to


candidates for commission in non-departmental TA units of the

Corps of Engineers, Signals, and Electrical and Mechanical

Engineers, who will appear before Services Selection Board.”

9. Period of Probation—All officers appointed to commissions

in the Territorial Army will be on probation for 3 years

and will be confirmed in their appointment on passing the prescribed

examination for retention. During this period if found

unsatisfactory, an officer on probation may be called upon to

resign his commission; if he declines he will be liable to


Ex-officers granted commission in the Territorial Army and

exempted from passing the retention examination under para 11

of Appendix X to these Regs, will however not be required to

remain on probation.

10. Medical Examination—Each applicant will be examined

by a Medical Board at the station where he is required to present

himself for examination and will not be granted a commission

in the Territorial Army unless he is pronounced physically

fit for service by the medical board.

11. Candidates pronounced unfit by the Medical Board

under para 10 above, may, if they are not satisfied with the finding

of such medical boards, appeal to the Secretary to the

Government of India, Ministry of Defence, within a week of

the date on which the result of their medical examination is

made known to them. The secretary to the Government of

India, Ministry of Defence, will after considering such appeals,

arrange, if necessary, for their re-examination by another Medical

Board called “The Appeal Medical Board”. (In cases where

a specialist opinion is required, a specialist may be included in

the appeal board). Appeals for re-examination in each case, will

be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 40 without which no appeal will

be considered.

If the appeal proves successful, or if for any reason an

“Appeal Medical Board” is not convened, the special fee of

Rs. 40 will be returned to the appellant.

The appellant will not be entitled to any TA/DA.


12. Eligibility—(a) Territorial Army Commissions as junior


commissioned officer may be granted to any national of India

who possesses the requisite qualifications. Such commissions

will normally be granted to suitable candidates from the ranks.

(b) Civilians will not normally be granted direct commissions

as junior commissions officers. They will be required to

join a Territorial Army unit as enrolled persons. They may

thereafter be recommended for JCO’s commission by their commanding

officers, in their own units, if considered suitable in

all respects for the grant of such a commission.

Civilian candidates possessing requisite technical qualifications

and recommended by Area/Sub Area/TA Group Headquarters

concerned may, in exceptional cases, be considered for

the grant of direct JCO’s commission in the Corps of Engineers,

Signals and Electrical and Mechanical Engineers units of the

Territorial Army.

(c) Direct Commissions may, however, be granted to suitable

candidates who fulfil the following conditions:–

(i) have served for not less than four years in the regular

army as warrant officers or havildars or their equivalents

in any of the other two services. State forces,

ITF, and AF(I) and are recommended for a commission

by the commanding officer of the unit for which

they apply;


(ii) have been junior commissioned officers/viceroy’s commissioned

officers in the regular army or its equivalent

in the other two services, State Forces and ITF;


(iii) be serving employees of the Port Commissioners, Railways,

or P&T Department who are in possession of the

technical qualifications set out in para 16 below and

are considered suitable;


(iv) have served with credit in a contingent of the National

Cadet Corps and have obtained the Proficiency Certificate

‘C’ and be recommended for a commission as

junior commissioned officer by the officer commanding

of his unit.


13. Nationality.—A Candidate must fulfil the same conditions

of nationality as laid down for TA officers in para 2 of this


14. Age Limit—Applicants should have attained the age of 18 years and not have attained

the age of 35 years, 45 years inthe case of employees of P&T department joining Sig Coys

(P&T) (T.A.) on the date of application. The upper age limit may, however, be relaxed in the

case of ex-servicemen and also in the case of civilians possessing technical qualifications at the

discretion of the Chief of the Army Staff or on his behalf by the

ADGTA, if so empowered by the Chief of the Army Staff.

15. Physical Fitness—A candidates must be fit in all respects and must produce a medical

certificate to this effect from a Government medical officer not below the status of an Assistant


16. Qualifications for Civilian Candidates only—If the candidate fulfils the requisite

technical qualifications, the educational qualifications may be waived—

(a) For Corps of Engineers (TA)—

(i) Should be capable of controlling and organising not less than 50 skilled tradesmen

either in the workshop or in the Field or both.

(ii) For Port—Docks and Inland Water Transport units—Should have had a

minimum of 2 years ser-vice in a supervisory capacity in one of the follow ing trades :–

Foreman, Serang, Engineer, (Marine, Internal Combustion and Steam), Boiler

Inspector, Shipwright, Workshop Chargeman Chuker, Jetty Superintendent, Docks

Officer Superintendent, Labour Superintendent Inland Master, Tugmaster and Driver

Marine, IC or Steam.

(iii) Railway personnel holding the supervisory posts in the Railways as shown below,

will be eligible for the grant of direct JCO commission in Railway (TA) units provided

the individuals concerned have put in a minimum of 2 years service in their respective

supervisory posts and are in receipt of minimum basic pay of Rs. 425 per month:–

—————————— ———————- —————— ——–

Sl. No. Name of Civil Railway Trades

————— —————————- ————————- ———-

1. Yard Master

2. Assistant Yard Master.

—————— ———————- ————————- ————-



—————————— ———————- —————— ——–

Sl. No. Name of Civil Railway Trades

————— —————————- ————————- ———-

3. Yard Supervisor

4. Station Superintendent

5. Deputy Station Superintendent.

6. Station Master

7. Asstt Station Master

8. Cabin Master

9. Head Train Clerk

10. Loco Foreman

11. Asstt Loco Foreman

12. Running Shed Supervisor

13. Loco Inspector

14. Engine Examiner

15. Fuel Inspector

16. Lubricating/Greasing Supervisor

17. Shed man Grade I

18. Senior Grade Boiler Inspector

19. Boiler Maker Foreman

20. Boiler Maker Chargeman

21. Boiler Inspector

22. Block Inspector

23. Block Signal Inspector

24. Asstt Block/Signal Inspector

25. Tele Com Inspector

26. Asstt Tele com Inspector

27. Asstt Telegraph Inspector

28. Inspector Telegraph and Phones

29. Bridge Inspector

30. Inspector of Works

31. Asstt Inspector of Works

32. Asstt Bridge Inspector

33. Surveyor

34. Permanent Way Inspector

35. Asstt Permanent Way Inspector

36. Head Draftsman

37. Chief /Head/Senior Draftsman

38. Cheif/Head/Senior planner and Estimator

——————- ————————- —————————————


—————————— ———————- —————— ——–

Sl. No. Name of Civil Railway Trades

————— —————————- ————————- ———-

39. Drafts Planner and Estimator

40. Chief Head/Senior Design Assistant (Drawing Office)

41. Chief/Senior Jig and Tool Designer.

42. Senior Engine Driver

43. Driver Grades ‘A’ and ‘B’

44. Instructor/Lecturer Driver with practical experience

45. Train Examiner

46. Asstt Inspector/Lecturer Driver, with practical experience

47. Carriage and Wagon Inspectorp

48. Chief/Head/Senior Train Examiner

49. Instructor/Lecturer With practical experience in

50. Asstt Instructor/Lecturer Train Examining, train lighting

Carriage and Wagon

51. Traffic Inspector

52. Transportation Inspector

53. Asstt Transportation Inspector

54. Train Inspector

55. Asstt Train Inspector

56. Area Supervisor/Chaser

57. Movement Inspector

58. Asstt Movement Inspector

59. Wagon Movement Inspector

60. Tank Wagon Inspector

61. Coaching Inspector

62. Transit Inspector

63. Safety Inspector

64. Time Table Inspector

65. Relieving Transportation Asstt

66. Transit/Transhipment Asstt

67. Asstt/Transit/Transhipment Inspector

68. Instructor/Lecturer Traffic Transportation

69. Asstt. Instructor/Lecturer Commercial with practical


70. Head Clerk

71. Office Superintendent

72. Chief/Head Clerk


—————————— ———————- —————— ——–

Sl. No. Name of Civil Railway Trades

————— —————————- ————————- ———-

73. Chief Goods Shed Superintendent

74. Commercial Supervisor

75. Asstt Commercial Inspector

76. Claims Inspector

77. Asstt Claims Inspector

78. Rates Inspector

79. Asstt Rates Inspector

80. Train Controller

81. Chief Controller

82. Deputy Chief Controller

83. Section Controller

84. Power Controller

85. Traction Power Controller

86. Relief Train Supervisor

87. Guard Grade ‘A’

88. Workshop Foreman

89. Foreman

90. Asstt Foreman

91. Foreman(carriage)

92. Asstt Foreman (Carriage

93. Shop Superintendent

94. Asstt Shop Superintendent

95. Chargeman.

96. Asstt Chargeman

97. Supervisor Inspection and Progress.

98. Motor Foreman

99. Motor Chargeman

100. Inspector Manufacturing/Furnishing

101. Senior Outdoor Machinery Inspector

102. Millright Inspector/Foreman

103. Engine Crane Inspector

104. Safety Inspector (Shops)

105. Inspector Development

106. Engineering Instructor/Lecturer Workshops, with practical


107. Asstt Instructor/Lecturer Workshops, with practical experience

———————- ——————————– —————————–


—————————— ———————- —————— ——–

Sl. No. Name of Civil Railway Trades

————— —————————- ————————- ———-

108. Senior Trade Instructor, with practical experience.

109. Junior Trade Instructor, with practical experience.

110. Chief/head Transhipment Clerk.

111. Commercial Inspector.

——————- ——————– —————————————-

(iv) For Field and Communications zone units other than units mentioned above—

Should have had a minimum of 2 years service as a Foreman of a Workshop, Overseer

or its equivalent.

##(v) Personnel holding the supervisory posts in the Indian Oil Corporation(including

other oil corporations) and Oil and Natural Gas Commission as shown below shall be

eligible for the grant of direct JCO Commission in IOC(TA) and ONGC(TA) Units,

provided the individual concerned have put in a minimum 2 years service in their

respective supervisory posts and are in receipt of minimum basic pay of Rs 1,500 per

month. However the requirement of two years supervisory service in the

respectiveparent department, may be waived by the Additional Director General (TA)

with the approval of the COAS.



Ser No | Name of Civil IOC trades and other Oil Corporation


1. Office Superintendent.

2. Office Secretary

3. Superintendent (Purchase)

4. Superintendent (Time)

5. Superintendent (EDP)

6. Store Supdt

7. Accountant

8. Material Control Assistant

9. Engineering Asstt Gr I (Civil)

10. Engineering AssttGr I (Elect)

11. Master Tech (Maint)

12. Master Tech (Welding)

13. Master Tech (A/M)

14. Senior Assistant

15. Sr Purchase Assistant

16. Junior Accountant

17. System Operator

18. Supervisor (T/L)

19. Operator Grade I (Production)

20. Technician Grade I (Production)

21. Tech Gr I (Electrical)

22. Technician Gr I(TC)

23. Technician Gr I(A/C)

24. Technician Gr I(Maint)

25. Technician Gr I(A/M)



Ser No | Name of Civil IOC trades and other Oil Corporation


26. Technician Gr I(Welding)

27. Technician Gr I(Rigging)

28. Technician Gr I(Inst)

29. Engineering Asstt Gr II(Civil)

30. Engineering Asstt Gr II (Electrical)

31. Turbine Attendant

32. Boilor Attendant

33. Water Treatment Opr Grade ‘A’

34. Central Room Operator

35. Operator (Utilities) Grade ‘A’

36. Operator (Utilities) Grade ‘A’ (PH)

37. Equpt Operator Gr I (Loco)

38. Equpt Operator Gr I

39. Sr machine Operator

40. Asstt Cashier

41. Engineering Asstt Gr III (Civil)

42. Engineering Asstt Gr III(Elect)

43. Technician Gr II(Maint)

44. Technician Gr II (AM)

45. Technician Gr II (Welding)

46. Technician Gr II (Rigging)

47. Technician Gr II(Production)

48. Technician Gr II (Inst)

49. Operator Gr ‘B’ (Production)

50. Operator Gr ‘B’ (Turbine)

51. Operator Gr’B’ (Compressor)

52. Boiler Opr Gr ‘B’

53. Operator Gr ‘B’ (F&S)

54. Asstt Control Room Opr

55. Operator (U) Gr ‘B’

56. Operator (U) Gr ‘B’ (PH)

57. Comptometer Operator/Compist

58. Technician Gr II (Elect)

59. Technician Gr II (T/C)

60. Head Compounder

61. Sr Laboratory Technician

62. X-Ray Technician

63. Assistant Chemist

64. Technician Gr II MM(PH)

65. Pipe Fitter Gr I & II

66. Safety Inspector

67. Crane Operator

68. Ganger-Cum Operator Assistant

Note :–Employees from IOC, R&D Centre, Assam Oil Division of

IOC and Oil companies such as Hindustan Petroleum Corpn, Bharat Petroleum

Corpn, Cochin Refineries, Madras Refineries, Indo Burma Petroleum Corpn and

Bongagaon Refineries and Petro Chemicals in Refinery & Pipeline (TA) Units

provided the employees concerned are holding posts equivalent to IOC(R&P)

Trades mentioned above.



Ser No | Name of Civil ONGC trades


1. Assistant Engineer

2. Assistant Driller

3. Assistant Chemist

4. Assistant Geologist

5. Assistant Geophysicist

6. Assistant Palynologist

7. Assistant Photographer

8. Assistant Economist & Statistician

9. Assistant Horticulturist

10. Assistant Fire Officer

11. Foreman

12. Head Draftsmen

13. Head Glass Blower

14. Head Pharmacist

15. Head Radiographer-cum-X-Ray Technician

16. Head Lab Technician

17. Head Operator Telecom

18. Head Operator Wireless

19. Superintendent

20. Accountant

21. Senior Dock Hand

22. Senior High Pressure Welder

23. Senior Roustabout

24. Marine Radio Operator

25. Private Secretary

26. Junior Engineer

27. Junior High Pressure Welder

28. Junior Supervisor Welder

29. Junior Accountant

30. Junior Superintendent

31. Senior Inspector (Fire)

32. Senior Inspector (Transport)

33. Senior Surveyor

34. Senior Pharmacist

35. Senior Radiographer-cum-X-Ray Technician

36. Senior Lab Technician

37. Senior Operator Telecom/Wireless

38. Senior Technical Assistant

39. Senior Geophysical Assistant

40. Senior Dental Assistant

41. Drilling Assistant

42. Marine Assistant Radio Operator

43. Design Draftman

44. Senior Draftman

45. Senior Technician



Ser No | Name of Civil ONGC trades


46. Senior Boiler Operator

47. Technical Assistant Grade I

48. Senior Winch Operator

49. Assistant Grade I

50. Surveyor Grade I

51. Pharmacist Grade I

52. Radiographer-X-Ray Technician Grade I

53. Lab Technician Grade I

54. Glass Boiler Grade I

55. Map Assistant Grade I

56. Supervisor (Heavy-Vehicles)

57. Supervisor (Crane)

58. Supervisor (Heavy Equipment)

59. Dock Head Grade I

60. Roustabout Grade I

61. Fire Inspector Grade I

62. Operator Grade I, Telecom/Duplicate/Wireless

63. Chargeman

64. Topman

65. Inspector (Transport)

## (Auth—CS No 270/1/87 dated 30 Jan 1987)

(b) For the Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers


(i) Educational—Must be in possession of the matriculation

Certificate of a recognised University or

its recognised equivalent.

(ii) Technical—Should be able to command and instruct

subordinates, have experience of supervising

the work of not less than 40 men and should be

able to pass the trade test for class I in their respective


(iii) For Workshop Coy—Should be able to keep technical

accounts and records in English and should

have served an apprenticeship of not less than 3

years in either an automobile or electrical engineering

firm or have a sound knowledge and practical

experience of general engineering.


(c) For the Corps of Signals (TA)

(i) Educational—Should be in possession of the matriculation

certificate of a recognised university or

its recognised equivalent with science and Mathematics

as optional subjects.

(ii) Technical—Should have sufficient knowledge of

signal and radio communications.

(d) For other Arms/Services

Educational—Should be in possession of the matriculation

certificate of a recognised University or its recognised


17. Method of submission and disposal of the application

form—(a) Information regarding the type and number of Territorial

Army Units in a particular locality may be obtained from


the recruiting officer, or from the Sub-Area/Bde Area/Div or

Command Headquarters.

(b) Certified true copies of the following certificates attested

by a magistrate or a gazetted or a commissioned officer showing

full name, designation and address must accompany the

application form :–


(i) Certificate of age—Matriculation Certificate in case of

civilian candidates.


(ii) a judicial affidavit from the father or guardian of the

candidates duly certified by a Local magistrate,


Certificate of age produced from the candidate’s record

of service


any other satisfactory proof.

(ii) Educational Certificates.

(iii) Technical Certificates.

(iv) Medical Certificate.

(v) Discharge Certificate in the case of ex-servicemen.

(c) The application form IAF (TA)-14 will be completed by

all categories of persons applying for JCO commission in the

Territorial Army. After completion of parts I and II including

sections A, B and C the form will be submitted to the commanding

officer of the unit for which the candidate is applying.

18. Method of Selection—Selection of JCOs for the TA

will be made as follows :–

All candidates will be interviewed initially by the commanding

officer of the unit for which they apply who will

satisfy himself that the conditions for the grant of a TA

commission are fulfilled. The Commanding Officer will

then record his recommendations in Section D of the form.

Any candidate thus recommended will be interviewed by

the Area/Independent Sub Area/Sub Area/Bde Area/

Brigade Commander/TA Group Commander who will


satisfy himself about the suitability of the candidates

or otherwise and endorse Section E of the form accordingly.

The application form will then be submitted

to the TA Dte, Army Headquarters, for the grant of

a JCO commission.

19. Period of Probation—(a) Persons granted direct JCO

commission in the TA will be on probation for a period of

three years and will be confirmed in the appointment on passing

the prescribed retention examination and if found suitable in

all other respects. If any JCO fails to pass this examination

within the prescribed period, he will have the option to revert

to the rank of Havildar/Dafadar failing which he will be discharged

from service. Those who elect to revert may be considered

for promotion to Naib/Subedar on having passed the

promotion examination and if found otherwise suitable.

(b) Ex-JCOs/VCOs and their equivalents of the other two

services, State Forces ITF, AF-(I), MDSC, Def Bns and Border

Scouts, who have a minimum of three years previous commissioned

service and are granted JCO commission in the TA will

not be required to remain on probation and pass the retention


(c) Serving NCOs who pass the promotion examination from

havildar/dafadar to Jemadar and are promoted to Jemadar will

not be required to remain on probation or pass the retention




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